Saturday, September 28, 2013


This is my attempt at a soap opera themed blog. I will speak about my feelings towards storylines/characters etc. I will concentrate on Days of our Lives, The Young and the Restless and Coronation Street (a UK soap opera). I will also occasionally speak about General Hospital and the Bold and the Beautiful. There will be some Guiding Light stuff too.

I first watched soap operas when I was about 7-8 and my great grandmother babysat us for one summer. I have tried to figure out that summer as I was a kid and don't remember a specific year. I think it's 1993 or 1994. What I remember is Matt Clark beating up a bloody Nick on Young and the Restless and David on the run on Guiding Light. I don't remember what happened on Bold and the Beautiful or As the World Turns. She watched all of the CBS soaps and I watched it with her.

I really got into soaps as a latchkey kid when I got in 7th grade which was the fall of 1998. I got home in time to see Guiding Light. I remember the San Cristobal and Santos stuff. While many found that era not awesome and actually bad I didn't. That's nostalgia for you! When people talk about the "good old days" there is some bias there. I loved it especially Cassie and Richard and Danny and Michelle. When Richard died I had a hard time watching after that. It was the end of an era in my young mind.

I started watching the ABC soaps, especially General Hospital in 2001. I also watched Passions and Days. I never got into the NBC soaps. I was mostly a GH freak at that time. Around 2006 I started loving All My Children and the Young and the Restless again along with GH. I started watching Guiding Light in late 2008 where I got to see one of the best couples that I have ever seen: Otalia. I am a big fan of them especially in regards to the insane chemistry between portrayals Crystal Chappell and Jessica Leccia. They made boring interesting! That is a very difficult thing to do as an actor. I was saddened when the show was cancelled. It was the soap that reminds me of those awkward junior high days. It was the soap that helped me have an escape from the constant bullying at the time. It was upsetting to think that it was over. This was especially true since that show finally remembered that it was a soap opera and acted like one. There were organic storylines that were character centric instead of plot centric. Yes there was that who killed Edmund thing but you can't get perfection.

 I started to actually like Days in 2010 when I started watching because of Crystal Chappell who came back after the cancellation of Guiding Light. I have watched it for the most part since thing. I did miss the fall on 2010 and summer and fall of 2012 but am on now. I love "WilSon" and Eileen Davidson and a few other things.

I also am a Coronation Street fanatic. I have just gotten into this show so my understanding of history is getting there. It's an awesome show that is about as close to a soap opera that I have seen currently airing new episodes. There are organic, character centric storylines (Sometime there is the rare plot centric storyline such as the burning of the Rovers.) with a lot of older actors and fun storylines. I will talk about this show a lot, especially in regards to American soap operas. I also will speak about Sophie and Sian a lesbian couple that existed on the show from 2009-11. Sophie is still on so I'll also talk about her when she's on.

I plan on providing commentary to these soaps. I will discuss breaking news casting or otherwise. I will also have weekly summaries with my opinion put in for Days, Y&R and Corrie. I will let you know that I am behind Corrie. I'm currently in the second week of April and it's almost October. I will also have soap themed top ten lists. Hopefully I will not only update this a lot but get a couple of views too.

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