Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Billy and Adam=Acting Gold

Today I watched Y&R on TVGN. I usually ignore it as I have it DVRed. As I am at mid December and missed late October and early November I consider myself a casual viewer. I generally know only ideas of what is going on. Fen is in house arrest, Summer took three energy pills, Victor knows that Adam ran over Delia and some other stuff. That pales in comparison to what I saw today.

I honestly could care less about Summer and her issues and Fen too. I just feel nothing for them. I don't care about most of what happens on this show including the Dylan stuff. Dylan=Jason Morgan who was in the army and not in the mob. He's written as perfect and awesome and can do no wrong. The fact that he brought a child molester to GC (Ian Ward) is not helping in his popularity. Apparently he had sex with Avery. While looking for a child molster? That sounds wrong doesn't it? It does to me.

Steve Burton cannot do what Michael Muhney and Billy Miller did today. That was act. There were no fancy sets or gunshots. It did not include stunt casting to make the scene brilliant. It was powerful and raw all on its own. This is what I look forward too when I watch soap operas. You can put as many shirtless guys in front of the screen (As I'm a lesbian it doesn't do anything for me.) or assorted 20 somethings, but it will not ever come close to what I saw between these two actors.

It was raw and real. It did involve a gun but it did not take away from the scenes. It was two people dealing with a tragedy. It was a grieving father confronting the hit and run driver that killed his 7 year-old daughter. It was a scene that 90% of this cast would fail it. In the hands of Muhney and Miller it was emmy winning. It was so awesome that I don't have words for it. It's something that I would see on Coronation Street instead of an American soap opera that praises skin over talent.

What makes this sad is that it's going to be the last we see of these actors on this show. Both have their last days on Thursday. Miller is going to be replaced by David Tom. Most know that Muhney is leaving Y&R because he was fired due to allegations that have been mentioned a lot recently. I honestly am not going to take a side due to the fact that what has been said is not from official sources but instead mostly gossip and rumors. Whether Muhney did what is claimed or not is really for no one to say except for Muhney himself.

What I will say is that what I saw today was something rare and brilliant that I am not going to see on this show for a long, long time.

I've Caught Up With Corrie and It Feels So Good!...Kind of

So I did it. Well at least as far as Hulu does it. I'm still behind by a week. Being that a month ago I was watching May's episodes I don't think it's bad.

It was a whirlwind month where I watched almost a year's worth (8 months if you're counting.) of episodes. So I know in more detail what is going down on the street such as why Sophie and Jenna broke up, (She was too immature for Jenna.) how they wrote off Roy's awesome mother Sylvia, (She left to see a relative. According to Roy she tends to leave then things get tough.) how Tina was going to be written out of the show, (She slept with the married Peter and when he didn't chose her she left in secret.) and how Sally and Tim got together (It was mostly physical and sexual.).

With the good there is the bad. Hayley dying is just...there really are no words for it. It's a powerful storyline that you wish wasn't happening. Hayley is really the tentpole of the show, the emotional heart. She's the character that everyone loves and adores, unless you are Tracy Barlow. There are no words to describe Tracy's horribleness played brilliantly by Kate Ford. Hayley is going to be greatly missed. I feel like I know her, as if she is a part of my family. She's the person that isn't perfect but is damn close to it. She's what I wish the world was like. Can you imagine what it would be like if there were more Hayley's in the world?

This is a character that has been written well and perfectly. It's a character that many shows try to have on their show. The truth is that it's quite hard to produce a Hayley Cropper. Just think of the many "good guy" characters that are forced on us. They try to make them perfect but it always seems to saccarine and fake. Steve Burton's Dylan MacAvoy is one example. No matter how perfect he's written, he's never going to be as popular or well loved. You can't force the audience to like a character. It has to be organic. With Hayley it was. Youtube has a variety of Hayley Cropper videos that show her story. There was always chemistry between Julie Hesmondhalgh's Hayley Cropper and David Neilson's Roy Cropper. This really is a once in a generation love story.

Goodbye Hayley Cropper you will be greatly missed!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Do we always have to have hair models?

I was watching this documentary that had to do with one of the worse films ever: Troll II. It made me think about soap operas. A lot of non soap fans would certainly compare soap acting to that of a campy B-movie. It wasn't even scary but funny. It's always in lists of bad films that or looked at as parodies. Showgirls is also in here, a film that I could only watch an hour of before turning off. There are time that this happens. Sometimes it's on purpose but sometimes it's not.

There was a time in the 40s-60s where soap operas were a well respected medium. There was even a time when they were more liberal than prime time. The acting was brilliant, the production values were awesome. Though it was with a 4:3 aspect ratio and didn't have a very elaborate set. It's didn't need it. Actors were chosen for their talents and not their looks. It showed in the quality shows that were produced.

These days it's the opposite. Today looks are more important. While you might win the jackpot with a Crystal Chappell or Dominic Zamprogna, it's quite rare. This all goes to soap operas, especially in the United States, being obsessed with looks over talent. Hiring young actors is going to be a disaster in regards to talent. The good ones such as Billy Miller and Zamprogna that come onto the show with a hell of a lot talent are likely to leave early too. Billy is leaving as is Michael Muhney on Y&R. While there are still some great young actors (anyone under 40 in my books) there are loads that aren't.

For me this all goes down to the idea that looks are what is most important. If they are lucky they will get talent, talent that is rare to be long term. Jacob Young for example is one of the best who has been on soaps since 1997.

The big issue for me if that in going for people with looks we get a lot of models. A lot. Kristen Alfonso started off as a hair model and it shows to this day. She is not the only one. There were quite a lot of models that get to act in soaps even though they are better at pictures than handling complex emotional arcs.

The reason I bring this up is because there is a new character on General Hospital. Detective Nathan West is played by underwear model Ryan Paevey. That's right, an underwear model. So far it has shown. This acting is not anything memorable. The writing is good, but that's not anything he would have to do with. What I have seen is that he's better at smiling then having chemistry with his costars. It was bad. I did not feel much of anything except for boredom.

That of course is what is going to happen when you bring on someone just for their looks. It's annoying when you have to watch someone learn to act on national TV. I don't want to watch a TV show for that. If I wanted that then I would go watch an acting class. If I wanted to see a pretty face then I would go get a magazine.

If there is one thing that I can say to the people that are involved with putting models on soaps it's this: STOP. Seriously stop. I don't want or need to see people that think just because they can take good pictures that they can act. If they want to then take some classes, at least enough to be on national TV. Just because you are good looking does not mean that you can do everything else in the entertainment business.
Here's a clip if you dare watch.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

10 Reasons GH Is Not Awesome

There is a lot of talk these days about General Hospital. It's mostly positive and how the ratings are up and how they have gotten better since the dark days that Bob Guza was head writer and executive producer. I personally disagree with how it's great. While it's better than the days of Guza I would not say that it's by much. Many of the reasons that I hated his era seem to be repeating under Carlivati. So I'm here to list ten reasons why it's not the best soap opera that ever existed.

10. Thorsten Kaye isn't on this show.

I just have to start off with this one. Thorsten Kaye is the best ever. The fact that he's not on General Hospital means that this show isn't the best on daytime. Sorry but you should have had him on this show. Sure he wouldn't be able to play Zach Slater. He could play any assortment of awesome characters. Then again with the big screw up that was the OLTL actors being new characters back in May I don't have much faith in anyone at General Hospital.
GH's loss is B&B's win.
9. Crystal Chappell isn't on this show.

Do you see a trend here? I promise that the other eight do have to REALLY do with the show. Any show without the brilliance that is Crystal Chappell cannot be great. She is one of the best out there and it shows in her work. In my opinion Days has a void where she once was when they stupidly got rid of her. I do know that Days existed before and after her but it just feels weird without her on it. She's just so great. I just can't call this show great if you have characters like Carlos and Sabrina but not any characters played by Crystal Chappell. Sorry Carlivati!
If you look into her eyes for too long then you will fall into a spell...of AWESOMENESS!
8. Killing off Helena.

So this is the character they kill off? The delicious Helena played brilliantly by Constance Towers? She should never die. Her one liners, which are usually based on truth, were great. They don't kill off Sonny who has lost his edge around 2006? I loved her. She's the closest to Sylvia Cropper that we will ever get! I was always entertained when I saw her.
This awesomeness now exists only in dream sequences.
7. Sweeps stunts.

All of the stuff that people say is great about this show happened during the sweeps. Except for the Nurses Ball which was a one off. Just because you have the stuff that characters want for a few weeks a year doesn't make the show any better than others. Guza was also prone to this or would create episodes were were only around so that GH would win the Emmy for best show. (ex. The Carnival from August of 2009) It has to happen all of the time not just one week in April and a couple weeks in November. I know that it's done on purpose. It's annoying to think that people are calling General Hospital so great over stuff that happens so occasionally. Sorry but General Hospital has to be great all year long not just for 20 episodes.
So what are we going to do for the 200 other episodes?
6. Characters over 40 don't get a storyline.

Consider this to be an effect of watching Coronation Street. I have been watching June's episodes and have been very into the who is playing pranks on Roy and his diner and Emily spraining her ankle and Norris being jealous because her niece and nephew bring her flowers. All of these characters are over 50! I love Sylvia's quips, she is so awesome in the storyline with Roy's obsession with finding out who has been messing with his business. It all makes sense and is very much about the characters. Unlike on General Hospital where older characters are never on and god help us if there is even anything not plot centric on at all. All of these problems with the characters on Corrie were solved within 2-3 weeks and I loved seeing them. It was real and entertaining stuff. While it might sound boring to someone like Carlivati it actually is a million times more entertaining then what I see on General Hospital in five minutes. Yes it was more entertaining to see an 80 something year old woman recovering from a sprained ankle then most of anything on General Hospital. That's either a statement that Corrie is that awesome or General Hospital is that bad.
I guess I should be lucky for a couple minutes of screentime a month.
5. Boring or unlikable new characters. (Not including ex OLTLers)

These are the Carlos and Sabrina's of General Hospital. One is a 13 year old stuck in a 30 year old's body. The other is a mobster who is supposed to be sexy I guess. As I'm a lesbian I guess I'll never get it. I guess if you give someone can accent then they are awesome. Actually that's probably yes as I'm crushing on both Alison King and Michelle Keegan of Corrie fame. So yeah...but that does not always work. You have to also act. Then there was that random chick that Michael went out with who was blonde and couldn't act either. The new kids are just not doing it for me. It's not like a hate them all. I do love Britt Westbourne and her Liesl Obrecht but most of them have failed badly.
This outfit is certainly appropriate for the character.
4. The LGBT characters suck or don't exist.

General Hospital is very poor when it comes to LGBT characters. Lucas's coming out story was just that. The guy came out, apparently met a guy named...well Guy and then he was never seen from again. I remember joking on a message board at the time that he was watching Noah's Ark. I thought I was funny then. Though he is coming back I am nervous about what is going to happen. I think that what we are going to get is more Jerome crap then dealing with his love life. While we have what could be the first gay love triangle I don't think we will get much screentime.

Soap operas can't wrap their heads about a transgender character if they got knocked over the head. The Zoe stuff just fell short. Looking back at it I felt that the actor was way too campy and not realistic. I don't think that this "great" show is going to even do such a storyline.

As for lesbians? We don't have one on GH. We never have. I don't think that we never will. Being how visible the LGBT community is in the media and pop culture and how that's become positive I find this messed up. I am a lesbian myself and hate that there is not one lesbian character(s) on soaps.

So far all we got for gay men is Brad and Felix. Felix is a walking stereotype that is very annoying. Brad is just Brad. I will say that I like that he isn't written as too perfect and has an edge to him. Him trying to blackmail Michael into sex was not cool at all. So I'm hoping that Lucas will make the gay scene better but I'm not banking any money on it.
This is the closest these characters will get to anything on this show.
3. The obsession with babies.

This seems to be a common theme for all soap operas. It has been happening a lot in recent years. As General Hospital is trying to say that it's better than the other soaps then I get to talk about this. It's not 1954. A woman is not just a body whose only use is having children. She gets to think and feel without having to feel that she is only validated as a person ONLY if she has a child. No it doesn't work that way. You are no less of a woman if you are not a mother. I'm sorry to say this but it doesn't matter. For soaps, which cater to women, to think that it's only to promote this anachronistic and sexist viewpoint is disgusting. What is even worst is that the characters that are doing this are under the age of 30. Lulu has lost all sense of character. She is being written as being obsessed with having the kid in her life. It's completely out of character even before the recast. Soap operas need to stop this as it's messed up.

What this results in is unrealistic characters. Characters that act more like they are 35 then their real age. Being in your twenties is about finding yours and exploring who you are. It's not about settling down. Their are characters that are still in their teens having kids such as Gabi and characters that are in their mid twenties with their own families such as Lily. It is not cool at all.

What is worse is that this obsession with continue until the baby is ignored for who knows how long. The only storylines involve them being sick or a custody storyline. Then there is the fact that they will be SORASed by the time they are four into a pissed off 16 year old.
I hate to tell you this Lulu but it's a real human being NOT a doll.
2. The OLTL actors are playing horrible or boring characters.

I should probably be nice here. If GH had their choice we would still see Todd Manning. John McBain and Starr Manning. Instead we got this dribble. It sucks also because in the case of Roger Howarth's character, he had chemistry with Laura Wright's Carly. Instead they found the worst character he could play. That's the horrible Franco played by James Franco. How many people actually liked the Franco character except for Bob Guza, James Franco, Jill Farren Phelps and Steve Burton. The character was horrible and was just a way for James Franco to do some experimentation. It was fun for him. He didn't care about the people not just cast but crew that worked on this show for decades and how his little fun could have destroyed the show. When he was on SNL around the time he was on the show he made a lot of fun of GH. He pretty much said it was beneath him and how he was "going back" in his career. He showed a highly campy clip between Franco and Kristen Storm's Maxie. I get that it was SNL but we are sick and tired of of the soap opera genre being treated as a low form of entertainment.

When Roger came back it was as this character. They attempted to whitewash all of the horrible things that Franco did but saying that he didn't do it or that it was not his intention for the events to happen. They even went for to typical brain tumor situation. Of course Franco was written before as being always evil, even as a kid. Hell it was written that he looked evil as a newborn! So to say that a tumor was his reason for everything was pretty bad. It was a major fail to have Howarth come back as one of the worst characters in all of GH if not soap opera history.

The other two characters were mostly boring. The Kiki character, along with having a stripper name is just boring and not worth screentime. Her relationship with Michael was rushed too quickly and fell flat. The other one is a doctor with no personality. Silas Clay is not at all interesting. Well even if Sam is the gayest woman on the show not even she can make him interesting. What else can I say about these two? I just can't understand how the show, which had the rare chance of including three good/great actors who have at least ten years experience on a soap opera. and getting to create any character they wanted, could screw this up.
I'm sorry...but no.
1. The mob still exists.

It's kind of laughable that the main reason that Guza was so hated, his obsession with the mob, is now being incorporated into the "new and improved" GH. That's really sad. I'm sorry but you can't really tell me that the show is better if Sonny is front and center killing people and causing mayhem etc. Sonny is a horrible character and should have been quietly written out or killed off. Actually I don't care! I hate the character who is abusive, sexist and all kinds of horrible. I don't want more of it. I don't want the Jerome's on screen even if it means I get to see Maura West everyday. She could have been added on as any character. So far she's killed Connie and almost killed Olivia. All of this sucks and seems to be a validation to Guza and his extreme violence. I hate it so much it makes my blood boil. I just can't stand it. Maybe it means that my super soap opera fan card is revoked. I'm not going to watch a soap opera to see people murdering each other.

For me this is really sad. I guess its the culture we live in where having a lot of violence is supposed to make a show good and interesting. Being that General Hospital is a soap opera that gears towards people who do not want to see the mob it makes no sense. There is no way that people who want to see the mob would watch a soap opera when they can watch other shows that are very violent. When you have a show, it's rare that everyone is going to like it. Shows that are certain subjects are going to attract certain people. You cannot force some desired fanbase because you think that's where the money is. So please stop with the mob GH. It's not working!
Just go away Sonny! For good this time.
The mob should have been killed off with the death of the horrible Jason Morgan who gets more of a shout out then characters who have been on this show for decades. It was their big chance. Sure it would have been better for it to happen slowly then quickly but it should have happened. By now there should be no more mob. For that reason I am very disappointed in Rob Carlivati who I feel has let me down.

That is why General Hospital is not the best soap opera on TV right now.