Tuesday, January 28, 2014

I've Caught Up With Corrie and It Feels So Good!...Kind of

So I did it. Well at least as far as Hulu does it. I'm still behind by a week. Being that a month ago I was watching May's episodes I don't think it's bad.

It was a whirlwind month where I watched almost a year's worth (8 months if you're counting.) of episodes. So I know in more detail what is going down on the street such as why Sophie and Jenna broke up, (She was too immature for Jenna.) how they wrote off Roy's awesome mother Sylvia, (She left to see a relative. According to Roy she tends to leave then things get tough.) how Tina was going to be written out of the show, (She slept with the married Peter and when he didn't chose her she left in secret.) and how Sally and Tim got together (It was mostly physical and sexual.).

With the good there is the bad. Hayley dying is just...there really are no words for it. It's a powerful storyline that you wish wasn't happening. Hayley is really the tentpole of the show, the emotional heart. She's the character that everyone loves and adores, unless you are Tracy Barlow. There are no words to describe Tracy's horribleness played brilliantly by Kate Ford. Hayley is going to be greatly missed. I feel like I know her, as if she is a part of my family. She's the person that isn't perfect but is damn close to it. She's what I wish the world was like. Can you imagine what it would be like if there were more Hayley's in the world?

This is a character that has been written well and perfectly. It's a character that many shows try to have on their show. The truth is that it's quite hard to produce a Hayley Cropper. Just think of the many "good guy" characters that are forced on us. They try to make them perfect but it always seems to saccarine and fake. Steve Burton's Dylan MacAvoy is one example. No matter how perfect he's written, he's never going to be as popular or well loved. You can't force the audience to like a character. It has to be organic. With Hayley it was. Youtube has a variety of Hayley Cropper videos that show her story. There was always chemistry between Julie Hesmondhalgh's Hayley Cropper and David Neilson's Roy Cropper. This really is a once in a generation love story.

Goodbye Hayley Cropper you will be greatly missed!

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