Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Olympics Were Gaytastic (Even if Putin didn't want it that way)

It's been a while, almost a month in fact, that I have posted here. There was this thing called the Olympics and my poor time management skills that got in the way of me posting. Even though the Olympics were shadowed by the fact that Putin is a (insert insult here) I still enjoyed them. After all team lesbian/bisexual won 6 medals! Most of them were by Ireen Wust, the crushworthy Dutch speed skater. 2 golds and three silvers? That's awesome.
Her hotness is stopping me from thinking of a good caption.
Then there was Daniela Iraschko-Stolz, an Austrian who won the silver in the Ladies Normal Hill Individual. It's just a stupid way of saying Women's Ski Jumping. I don't know why it's called that because ski jumping isn't really something I would call normal. It's not like you say, "Hey Ed! I'm going to go jump from this hill thingy going really high up in the air. You know like everyone does." Daniela is in a civil partnership as there is no marriage equality in Austria. I'm personally happy for her because this is the first time that Women's Ski Jumping has been an offical Olympic event. That means Daniela is in the record books and not in a place that is forgotten.
Here's Daniela with her wife Isabela. Aren't they the cutest?
I also have to give props to Bella Brockhoff who went to 8th place in the Women's Snowboard Cross. There isn't anything more badass than a woman snowboarding.
I'm going to move to Australia now.
Both AutoStraddle and After Ellen have articles on these awesome women that you should check out if you're curious. I didn't mention everyone so make your way to those sites because they're awesome.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Dr. Liesl Olbrecht is my new favorite character y'all

Kathleen Gati is literally the only awesome thing on that show besides the Lucas and Brad kiss. That was literally the best.

Dr. Olbrecht being Chief of Staff was great. I know that it's kind of stupid and makes no sense. GH has written in some dialogue that does make it legitimate. Olbrecht had a phone conversation with a mysterious person that seemed to help her get the job. The chamber of the board made a unilateral decision, which I think he can do. Blackmail was assumed for the reason she got the job. Anna did mention that Olbrecht made a deal with the WSB and that she must have had a big trump card to get a full pardon. Does she know where Edward Snowden is? It would be interesting if they did a storyline like that. Who knows.
Get ready for...people to come to work on time and do their jobs and other horrible stuff y'all!

She ended up being awesome. Really awesome. I know I should be pissed but dammit Kathleen Gati is a rare find. She had material that could be really messed up and made it into gold. Every scene she's been in is awesome. I loved her yelling at Brad about being late and how she was turned on by the fact that Silas Clay could be a killer. (I think it's her type.) It was great that she called people on the general crap that they pull at GH. People come and go when they please, they never work and expect that they will have their jobs. I was not at all upset that Liz got a pay cut because she wanted to pick up her son. Would it have killed her to wait till her shift was over to pick up Cam? 10 minutes? She couldn't wait 10 minutes? The best was when she made a joke to Felix and Sabrina about blowing them up. They were so scared and thought she was serious and she said it was a joke! To be honest they did make the comment about being blown up. So yeah.

Does anyone else think that Olbrecht should take this on the road all the way to Salem (Days of Our Lives)? Can you imagine how funny it would be if she went to University Hospital can went after the people there. From Theresa and Anne Milbauer to Daniel Jonas, Abby and of course Jennifer "I never work a full shift" Deveraux? You know it would be aweome.

We also got the first same sex kiss on GH. That's right, the first one. There was no fanfare and a huge deal made of it. I loved that. It was a normal kiss between two men. It was not a peck or some joke. It was a real kiss. I like that we are at the point in our history where there doesn't need to be a press release about it. I like that soaps are starting to normalize being gay. It's not a strange or messed up thing. Being that in the same episode there were worse things happening such as families and lovers betraying each other, THE MOB, a man pointing a gun at someone and about 5 seconds from killing them, it's quite hypocritical to be upset about Lucas and Brad's kiss when you think about it that way.
Guess what? The world did not blow up upon them kissing.

4 Reasons Why Jordan Ridgeway Could Be a Trans Woman

I have been thinking about this a lot. It really started during the episode when Jordan knew a boatload of information about football and impressed Rafe. Someone made a comment about it and how she could be trans. Ever since then it's been driving me crazy. Could Jordan Ridgeway have been born with a male body? Could her whole mo be about her hiding this fact?

Personally I really hope it's true. I know it's not because it would be leaked at least a year before anything came out about it. Remember the Will coming out storyline being known by Spring of 2011? In fact I think we knew before that as Soap Opera Digest talked about it in a interview around that time as if it was common knowledge. With a trans storyline that is even more so. Being a trans man or trans woman especially a trans man or trans woman of color is very difficult. For all of the work it is taken for LGB people to be accepted, that is still obviously a work in progress, it is ten times worse for someone who is transgender. It's a tragedy to think about the discrimination they have to face just for being who they are. If Days were to do this storyline then I would be very happy but I doubt it because transphobia is a very real thing. 

If it were to happen and they are keeping it seriously under wraps then here are four clues that they have put out there about Jordan being a trans woman.

4. Her name is androgynous. 

Jordan can be both a male or female name. If this is her birth name then there would be no worry about name changes. If not then it might be a subconscious decision on her part. Maybe a defense mechanism? 

3. She knows a lot about football.

I've thought about this a lot. Just imagine growing up in a body that didn't fit who you were. Just imagine that Jordan as a child wore dresses and was caught by her father. Imagine that this father decided that the best way to deal with this is to make her watch football, a "manly" sport. She had to watch it a lot. Maybe even she was forced to play on the football team. Football became part of her so she knew about plays and other stuff. I think it would make a lot of sense especially as it would probably be drilled into her head so much that she remembers that stuff to this day. If I remembered it correctly then she was quite evasive about why that is so. For me that puts up red flags as to why. It's obvious that the reason why is something that she doesn't want to think about. 

2. She has different identities.

That scene with the different licenses was obviously a big moment in showing that there is more to Jordan than meets the eye. She is hiding something. Having different identities could in fact be a fear about talking about her former life. Telling someone your are trans is certainly a very difficult thing to do in a transphobic world. If someone were to betray your trust and expose the truth then there is the fear of being attacked both physically and mentally for being who you are. Jordan might in fact do just that. She could live her life but when there is the fear that her past is going to be exposed then she runs away. 
We've met 5 minutes ago but that doesn't mean I need to tell you every detail of my life!

1. She's very closed off about her past. 

There is a very obvious reason why. I believe that it's up to the person whether they want to come out or not. You cannot out them or think that they need to be out about themselves. After all should a straight non trans person have to divulge personal information about themselves. Are they obligated to discuss personal sexual information? Why should Jordan have to talk about being trans? I do feel that the show is being judgmental about this. Then about soap operas do have this theme that someone should be honest about every single facet of their lives. A character is punished if they are not. While some things shouldn't be a secret such as having an affair with a married man or making someone believe they are the father of your baby, some do not need to. If she is trans then this is even more so.

Jordan is secretive about her past and it would make sense if she's trans and doesn't want to think of a time of her life when she was forced to be male.
There is something creepy about Kate in this picture.