Sunday, February 9, 2014

Dr. Liesl Olbrecht is my new favorite character y'all

Kathleen Gati is literally the only awesome thing on that show besides the Lucas and Brad kiss. That was literally the best.

Dr. Olbrecht being Chief of Staff was great. I know that it's kind of stupid and makes no sense. GH has written in some dialogue that does make it legitimate. Olbrecht had a phone conversation with a mysterious person that seemed to help her get the job. The chamber of the board made a unilateral decision, which I think he can do. Blackmail was assumed for the reason she got the job. Anna did mention that Olbrecht made a deal with the WSB and that she must have had a big trump card to get a full pardon. Does she know where Edward Snowden is? It would be interesting if they did a storyline like that. Who knows.
Get ready for...people to come to work on time and do their jobs and other horrible stuff y'all!

She ended up being awesome. Really awesome. I know I should be pissed but dammit Kathleen Gati is a rare find. She had material that could be really messed up and made it into gold. Every scene she's been in is awesome. I loved her yelling at Brad about being late and how she was turned on by the fact that Silas Clay could be a killer. (I think it's her type.) It was great that she called people on the general crap that they pull at GH. People come and go when they please, they never work and expect that they will have their jobs. I was not at all upset that Liz got a pay cut because she wanted to pick up her son. Would it have killed her to wait till her shift was over to pick up Cam? 10 minutes? She couldn't wait 10 minutes? The best was when she made a joke to Felix and Sabrina about blowing them up. They were so scared and thought she was serious and she said it was a joke! To be honest they did make the comment about being blown up. So yeah.

Does anyone else think that Olbrecht should take this on the road all the way to Salem (Days of Our Lives)? Can you imagine how funny it would be if she went to University Hospital can went after the people there. From Theresa and Anne Milbauer to Daniel Jonas, Abby and of course Jennifer "I never work a full shift" Deveraux? You know it would be aweome.

We also got the first same sex kiss on GH. That's right, the first one. There was no fanfare and a huge deal made of it. I loved that. It was a normal kiss between two men. It was not a peck or some joke. It was a real kiss. I like that we are at the point in our history where there doesn't need to be a press release about it. I like that soaps are starting to normalize being gay. It's not a strange or messed up thing. Being that in the same episode there were worse things happening such as families and lovers betraying each other, THE MOB, a man pointing a gun at someone and about 5 seconds from killing them, it's quite hypocritical to be upset about Lucas and Brad's kiss when you think about it that way.
Guess what? The world did not blow up upon them kissing.

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