Monday, May 5, 2014

Jason Morgan is a Mary Sue

Note: I started working on this in mid March, forgot about it and then decided to finish is off and publish it.

I did have a post ready that pretty much detailed my hate for this character. He's up there with Ryan "Bug Eyes" Lavery. It generally goes along the lines that we are supposed to like this character, who most of the town canonizes even though he's quite a despicable character. I had gone on and on about how he is less than perfect, listing every single thing that he has done wrong.

As I was typing I realized one major point: he's a Mary Sue. There is no way to truly write it except in that mentality. Mary Sue is a fanfiction term that I first heard when I wrote Harry Potter fanfiction as a teenager in the early 2000s. It goes back much further to the 1970s with Star Trek fanfiction. The idea of a character on a TV show, that is written by so called professional writers, having a Mary Sue is very sad. It's one thing when you're a 16 year old writing your first stories with practically no writing experience. It's another thing when you are part of the Writer's Guild of America with years of experience and a probable college degree writing a Mary Sue. That is where we are with this character.

What exactly is a Mary Sue? Here are some main points.

-They are perfect in many many ways. Vainly this means they are beautiful. They have a flawless body that everyone desires. (How many times have we had to hear someone whine about how Steve Burton needs his shirt off more often?)
-They are well liked. Pretty much everyone likes this character to the point of annoyance. We hear a lot about how their great by everyone no matter if they generally don't like people. When it comes to a Mary Sue, they will like him/her.
-They can do anything better than anyone else. This means that an expert who is trained for this is no match for him/her. It doesn't matter how much years of experience they have, they should just go home. (I'm reminded of back in 2006 when Manny kidnapped Sam and held her hostage. At one point Lucky, the cop. wanted to go after Manny. His then wife Elizabeth tried to stop him so that Jason could save the day even though Lucky was a trained cop.)
-They have a tragic past. Pretty much if their parents are dead leaving them orphaned. They might or might not blame themselves for it even if they were a baby. This is to be pitied or respected.
-They get away with things that they should not. This is also symbolically called a "free lunch." They do things that should get them either killed or arrested or punished in some way. Somehow this never happens. Much like you can't get a free lunch, someone is paying for it, a character cannot get away with everything.

A Mary Sue is generally blamed on one thing, a term called self insertion. When you're a fifteen year old writing a story it's quite easy to do this. I did this myself. It's really hard sometimes to not self insert yourself as the character in some form of fiction. It's fun to pretend that you are the one going on the adventures. You want to be loved and as perfect as possible. It's a fantasy after all. None of this is actually happening. What's the harm?

The harm is that it's a major turnoff and boring to read. After the 789th time that Jason saved the day while the cops were standing there looking like a bunch of dumbasses I was fast asleep. Nobody wants to watch or read anything where you know how it's going to end. Why do I care if I know that Jason will make it out alive yet again. There is no punishment or repercussions. Why did I waste my time watching General Hospital today much less for the last few weeks that this "nailbiting" storyline occurred?

How insulting to the audience is it to have every character talk about how great he is? You need to show us! This is rule one in any basic screenwriting course. It's also a sign of lazy writing along with character destroying. Nobody wants that.

As you can see Jason fits every single point in regards to being a Mary Sue.

It's gotten to the point that Jason Morgan's son is a Mary Sue! Also who is not loling when people say the kid has the same personality as Jason. Jason wasn't born with that personality, it's the result of brain damage. Therefore the doctors should be contacted as this kid might actually have neurological damage.

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