I really do.
Yesterday I made a post about my opinions about the soaps and their November Sweeps activities. I realized that I forgot to mention one.
Summer was bullied!
It really is. /end of sarcasm
Apparently Summer who is a model even though she has no experience and isn't really tall. That's nepotism for you! I guess it's the eyes. I can't deny that she has pretty eyes. No. Just no.
The photographer was making her work long hours in the cold. I think she was even shivering. He was mean to her. She didn't want to say anything because she didn't want to pull rank. Sharon *lol* walked into the park and found out what was happening and stopped it. The evil photographer was stopped. I guess there were other models too. Summer was the important one.
The guy was fired and probably blackballed. I'm not saying that it was okay that this guy did this. I did feel sorry for Summer. What got me all sarcastic and all was the comment that someone made in a recent episode. It was either Neil or Jack. They called the guy a bully and said that he was fired.
I wanted to laugh. Summer was bullied! Summer that girl that cruelly and maliciously bullied a poor teen boy from a bad home and never paid for it. A boy who she targeted because Ronan Malloy was mentoring him. A boy who didn't do a thing to this spoiled brat. Karma's a bitch isn't it?
I know that I should probably get past this. My issue is simple. If you have someone do something horrible, have them pay for it. In soaps it's usually not by going to prison though Fen is certainly doing that. Even if it's not for what he did to Jaime, he has been punished above and beyond. Punishment on soaps is usually some form of ostracizing. Adam is a great example. Though he has served time in prison, it was minimal and was all about the fake diary. All of the horrible things that he did which were worst in that have not included jail time. Instead we get more of a psychological punishment such as no relationship and respect with 95% of the town. Sharon has also dealt with that too.
Summer has none of that. There is no punishment. A boy was willing to attempt to kill himself twice due to Summer and Fen and yet Summer has never paid. Some might make the case for this who is her father thing with her thinking her whole life is a lie. I am of course from the school of the Abbotts are way better of a family than the Newman's. Less dysfunctional and more loving. Pretty much their patriarch is not a sociopath.
For me I want to see her actually face the music. Very few know about what she did. I would like to see it exposed and see some shunning. I want to see her truly pay for what she did. None of this pity for poor tortured Summer. All she got was a lecture from Nick. I doubt she has been taking part in the community service that Nick asked her to do. Nope his "punishment" has been having everyone worship the ground she walks on, feel sorry for her, fight to be in her life, talk about her all of the time, start feuds over her and be a model. It sounds like she's been punished pretty badly huh?
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