Monday, December 23, 2013

Let's Try For a Positive Post

Upon looking through all of my posts, including two that have not been published (mystery!) I realized that I am quite negative. It tends to be a thing with anyone that comments about soaps. I bet any non soap people that accidentally came upon this blog thinking it was about bars of soaps, probably wonder why we even try. Lets be honest, soaps are treated as a low brow form of entertainment with a peep show in the back of some local bookstore being treated with respect. (I don't know if such a thing actually exists but I think that you get what I'm trying to say.) Anyway I decided to be most positive on this post. After this paragraph I am only going to list things that are positive about soaps now.
Days of Our Lives
Lets first start off with the fact that EJ (James Scott) and Sami (Alison Sweeney) kicked ass and took names in their scenes this week. James Scott is the Billy Miller of Days. This show is ten times better having him on this show. He is a multi Emmy winner in my mind. His emotions were so raw and powerful as he fought with Sami about her not forgiving him for knowing about Kristen and Eric. While we do know that he knew about the drugging but is keeping it secret, it's no less awesome because of that. Ali Sweeney is also great. This woman has been on this show for 20 years! It shows. When she goes for a scene, she goes for it. The chemistry between these two is undeniable. They are just awesome and I loved watching them on the 11th.

WilSon is just as adorable as usual. I love them together and they continue to make me smile. I love that Days is actually letting them be together and happy and treating them like a couple. I think it's cute that Will thinks that Sami, Kate and Gabi are planning a surprise party together. It's cute that Sonny is going to be his "spy."

I know I should be pissed about Theresa and her blackmail. I have hated the character before. I'm going to be positive here and say that I am thinking differently about her. There are certainly characters on soaps that are all kinds of horrible but that's the point. You can't have all nice characters on soaps all of the time. That's boring. Characters can't be happy all of the time. It's very rare for that to be entertaining. Otalia is the only couple I have ever seen that made going through the motions of normalcy entertaining. Then again Crystal Chappell is that good of an actress. Jessica Leccia isn't that bad either.

I actually loved her blackmail scenes with JJ. They were entertaining and funny. I loved that she wanted him to buy her pot. She wanted to make Jennifer pay. I even saw her point. Jennifer really shouldn't have had a say in Theresa going back to California or not. So I'm not at all upset about Theresa wanting revenge. Like her I appreciate the irony of what Daniel is doing. I'm going to think of Theresa as a bad girl. When she first came on I thought of her as someone who was trying to be good. It's obvious that she doesn't want to do that. So I'm interpreting her as a bad girl.

The mysteriousness of Jordan is great. I love a little mystery in a character. Whether she's Kate's daughter or not I can't wait to find out what she's all about. With the three different identities I'm sure it's good.
Bold and Beautiful
I have been keeping up on B&B which is positive in itself. I have always thought of it as too campy for my tastes. To be honest soaps can be campy at times. Bold and Beautiful thrives on it. While I don't like every storyline I'll put in what I like along with characters who are awesome.

I have always been a fan of a show that doesn't concentrate on just 2-3 characters. Minor characters can be just as great. In the dark days of Bob Guza on GH he did do great with minor characters. Rob Carlivati is continuing with that tradition. Enough about GH. On B&B we have some nice minor characters. My favorite is Pam and Charlie. They are just too cute! I love how they bonded over baking and their scenes before the wedding about Charlie's expertise of Words with Friends? Just awesome. I also love Carter. He seems like the kind of guy who would be the life of the party. The kind of guy who can have fun with and be yourself with.

Wyatt is also great. I like that he is a stand up guy. He could have caused trouble at the wedding. Then again his mother tends to be person. He is emotionally mature enough to know when it's time to end things. I would love to see him get together with someone who can be with him fully and not use him for revenge. It's great to see that there is at least one great guy in Los Angeles.

Eric Forrester is also awesome. He's a playa! He's got two beautiful women that are old enough to be his daughter pursuing him. How does he do it? Can he give me tips? Sure Quinn is crazy and I'm rooting for Donna but that's besides the point. He's great.

I love that Caroline mentions her mothers. I know that her wedding to Rick was supposed to actually be a bigger affair except that Joanna Johnson was not available due to her role on that awesome TV show The Fosters. Her mentioning them and their disappointment etc. was fine for me. Lets hope that at least Crystal Chappell makes an appearance soon as Dani to make up for it.

While Bill and Liam can be both deplorable as characters I love the humor these characters can bring to the show. The stallion video that Bill was sending Brooke was hilarious. Liam having to help him make it was funny. Scott Clifton can bring humor into Liam. I love the little quirky moments that he can have. I love little aspects of characters that make them more human.

Lastly I have to bring up Thorsten Kaye. He is bringing his A game, which he always does, as Ridge. It's still weird to call him Ridge and not Zach but I love it. Thorsten is brilliant. My mother, who has never watched AMC or anything else he was on, loves him. I can't wait to see him go against Bill. Are we going to see RJ soon? Does he get to go out of his closet or boarding school or wherever he's been since 2007? Personally I would love to see Adam Gregory come back as Thomas and RJ get sorased as a teen. I would love to see some sort of rivalry or interaction. Maybe RJ is gay? Maybe bi? Maybe the brothers work together on something such as getting back in power at Forrester?

Lastly I am totally crushing on Jacqueline MacInnes Woods as Steffy. I love how she's vulnerable and confident. I also love that Steffy did the honorable thing and stepped away. Then again there are better guys for her. Yeah she's also quite easy on the eyes. She has a great career ahead and I wish her all of the luck.
Young and Restless
Y&R is hard to find something positive about because most of the stuff on this show is just horrible. I'm going to try.

Billy Miller is still doing brilliantly as Billy. He is always good at whatever he is given. It's still refreshing to see him still mourning his daughter. Usually in soaps it's forgotten. He's supposed to move on. That's not how grief works. It's great to see him truly acting like someone who lost a child. I also love how Amelia Heinle is getting to act. I think that she's doing great herself. She generally doesn't get much great material anyway. She is certainly kicking it out of the park.

Melody Thomas Scott is also doing great. She's awesome and shows what 30+ years on a soap opera does to your skills. I have always felt that she has been very underrated as an actress. I don't even think that she has won a Daytime Emmy. She's a winner in my books. She is the one good thing about this storyline.
General Hospital
Spinelli is leaving/is gone. That's a very positive thing. Also Dr. Liesl Olbrecht is freaking awesome. She is my favorite character on that show right now. Kathleen Gati is comedy gold. I'm not going to deny that I have a little crush on her. Also Lucas is coming back and played by one of his adult portrayers. Ryan Carnes is not the first adult/teen portrayer but he was on when I was in my late teens so yay.

I think I was pretty positive in this post. Maybe I could make this a thing.

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