It really is.
I have gotten to watching "old" episodes of Y&R. I haven't done that much even though I have a whole bunch of episodes that go back to July. With less than 25% of space left I realized that I should get to actually watching them and deleting the ones that I have watched.
I wanted to get to the episode where Dylan finds out the truth. Of course I actually went to a week before that. I'm that awesome after all. *sarcasm*
So within the couple of episodes that I watched I have found out how annoying Nick is. I knew he was a douche before watching the episodes, but now I really know it. In the Friday and Monday episodes I found out that Nick is pretty much a seven year old boy trapped in a grown man's body.
It was quite embarrassing to see him throw a temper tantrum every time he saw Dylan or at least give him that icy stare of his. The most hilarious one was when he went to Crimson Lights with Sharon and the demon child and was pissed that Dylan was there. It's kind of weird that Dylan was there anyway. It's not like he owns the coffee shop or anything.
Oh wait a minute he does!
Then it got more hilarious when Dylan did the horrible thing of wanting to make a dollhouse for the demon child. He went to Sharon who was nice (asldweriuodsfjgkldsg WTF DID I JUST TYPE!) enough to give a donation in the name of his fallen friend Sully. (At least that how I think it's spelled.) He wanted to pay it forward except that his paying it forward meant giving a toy to that demon child. That's another story altogether. What was funny was Nick's reaction. Ignoring the fact that the walls at that house are apparently too thick for demon child to hear, wtf?! Nick literally had a temper tantrum over the fact that someone wanted to make his "daughter" a dollhouse.
It was a temper tantrum that showed how spoiled, privileged, and entitled Nick really was. It was HIS family, HIS coffee shop, HIS town that Dylan came in. Dylan did not have any reason to be there. Nick apparently gets to say who comes and goes in GC. Just Nick.
Nick is certainly all of these things and passed them down to his other daughter Summer who I dislike just as much. To be honest none of his children are on my awesome list. Noah is annoying and useless. Him being in any part of Newman that isn't the mailroom is laughable.
I will say this. I know that Steve Burton, is only on Y&R because the executive producer is his friend. I know that this is being written so that Nick is the bad guy and Dylan is the good guy. Unlike Jason Morgan I can like Dylan McAvoy. He doesn't kill people for a living which is a plus. It was pretty awesome how he doesn't even go down to Nick's level. He literally shoves off Nick's childish antics. It's badass to me. It makes Nick seem even worse. As someone who has not liked Nick since his affair with Phyllis, it's great to see him being written as the spoiled brat he has been since 2005.
Yes Faith Newman is now to be called demon child on this blog.
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