I haven't posted much about Coronation Street. The truth is that I am behind. May counts as behind right? I was at first trying to read the Coronation Street blog which is awesome. Of course they post so much that I haven't been able to watch. I really wanted to see their comments about Stella and her crap with the rebuilding of The Rovers. That is mostly due to the fact that Stella is the Dylan McAvoy of Coronation Street. The only reason that Stella even exists as a character is because the actress who plays her is friends with the executive producer who was there when she was hired. So mostly like Dylan, Stella only exists because of nepotism. In many ways I finds this funny as it's good to see that it's not just an American thing to have a douchebag executive producer who hires his/her friends and screws over the show and its history because he/she can.
Anyway the main reason that I watch Coronation Street is because of Sophie Webster. I am a lesbian so any show with a gay woman in it is great. Even when Sophie gets into her bratty modes, I personally believe that Brooke Vincent brings in an authentic portrayal. She acts like a real teen and not some idealistic or sensationalist kind of teen that you see today. She acts like a kid with real kid issues. I also love that she's a Christian. I think she's one of the few gay Christians on TV today. Most are athiest or from some new age type of religion. You don't see the LGBTQIA community outside of stereotypes much today. Religion is something that they tend to ignore. I'm assuming they think it will piss off the homophobes even more than they are by seeing someone who is gay on TV. So it's great.
Her love story with Sian was awesome. It's on youtube. The whole thing is actually. This is quite rare for a couple but Sian's first appearance to her last is on there. I saw it and it was great. People were quite dedicated to showing every beat, even before they kissed. I would check it out if you are curious. So those that would like a little inkling of what that was all about, here's a music video to introduce anyone who hasn't seen them.
Sophie and Sian ended when Sian's portrayed Sasha Parkinson decided to leave for greener pastures. They ended in late December 2011. Sophie did almost nothing for most of 2012 until the end when she got hit by a car. Then she got a new love interest by the name of Jenna Kamara who is the lost lost daughter of Lloyd Mullaney. They got to together and there was probably no chemistry at all. I'm surprised that they lasted so long. As I have not seen since May I'm not sure what the circumstances of them breaking up is about.
Here's a clip of them kissing from earlier this year.
Now Sophie's got a new love interest. She looked to be about her age and adorable. I'm thinking about watching a whole bunch of Corrie or just skip it for now and get to the good stuff. Either way it looks promising.
You can check out a picture preview here. I would certainly skip Days for this. Then again Coronation Street is the show that makes someone taking their driving test very interesting. So yay.
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