I do NaNoWriMo. I don't just bitch about soaps all the time! I would like to think of myself as some sort of writer. Don't we all? I guess that's why I get upset when soaps are crappy like killing a 7 year-old or raping a priest crappy. I've been doing it since 2005 but only really have finished it since 2011. That's probably bad. Yeah it probably is. I'm going to do it because it's fun and because writing is fun.
Also this is an awesome blog post: Click on me because I'm awesome! For those that also take part in this other November holiday event or are just writers in general. I will certainly be using it this coming month.
I guess I shouldn't be pissed at soap opera writers. After all it's a business and the idea of creative control is laughable especially when your executive producer is Jill Farren Phelps. Watch as I either make it a three-peat or a crap fest of epic proportions.
Also does Catherine Bell ever age? I was watching that Good Witch movie marathon on Hallmark Channel and she's just...wow...just smoking.
I also remember the main guy (Chris Potter) from somewhere. As I watch a soap opera it means that I know a lot of actors. Usually I can remember what show they are on. This generally annoys people that I watch any sort of TV with. He was on the fantastic Queer as Folk as the "old" guy Michael dates on the first season. He was also on Y&R as a con man that I barely remember. For Queer as Folk fans Horvath is in this series too!
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Days of Our Whatthehellisthiscrap?
It's been a week (I think?) since I have last posted. I have been watching Days of Our Lives though I'm at Thursday's episode where Theresa is trying to give J.J. a date rape drug. (I seriously cannot make this crap up. Someone actually gets paid to do so.) Of course it's okay because she's going to take it too! *sarcasm*
I haven't been watching the Young and Restless since Friday the 11th. For some odd reason the idea of watching Delia die and Adam get vilified is not awesome. I know we will get the standout performances from such powerhouses as Billy Miller, Elizabeth Hendrickson, Jess Walton, Peter Bergman along with Eileen Davidson and Beth Maitland. I don't think that it's really worth it for an Emmy win if about 2 people are left watching the show. I honestly cannot watch it anymore. The scenes are just too horrible to find entertaining. It was bad enough when Jill Farren Phelps did this with Jake on GH. Now it just sucks especially since from what I know they are going to make Adam the killer. So now and forever Adam will be known as a child killer. This was done with Luke during the Jake storyline. While it has mostly been whitewashed with the character it is still a dark spot no matter how much they try to downplay it. Now for years to come we will have to listen to Nick and Victoria among others vilify Adam. I just cannot do it. So obviously there will no longer be a State of Genoa City post.
Days of Our Lives does have its horrible moments. Who actually didn't want to punch their screens at the sight of Eric tearing down Nicole for believing she had raped him? It was horrible. Not as bad as killing a kid mind you but still bad. What's up with Sony and their soaps? I'm still going to tug along with Days if only for WilSon and the fact that I know that the truth about this is going to come out and its going to be epic!
I just hated that we had to see Eric acting very unlike a priest in his venom over Nicole. Even if he was right and Nicole did it, Eric went too far in what he said. First of all it was in a church. Second of all he pretty much said that Nicole was pure evil. Where is this forgiveness that he's supposed to have? I really lost all respect with him at that moment. To be honest I am not going to feel sorry for him when he finds out the truth and how wrong he was. Nicole did the rare thing of laying out her heart and it was quickly stomped by Eric.
Then there was Brady. The character is generally written dumb or really too horny for his own good. He decides he wants to marry a woman after two dates! He falls too easily in love. Then when he does he's generally dumb especially when it comes to Kristen. How he didn't know Kristen was playing him the first time is anyone's guess. He knew about her history from day one! I guess the sex was that great? That's mostly all this "relationship" has been about. I understand a family is not always correct about who a person chooses to love. Dr. Phil shows that. Seriously that show shows it. I would be on Brady's side if it had to do with ethnicity or sexual orientation i.e. something that his mate cannot change. It's something else when it comes to pasts, very cruel pasts and your family was victimized by this person. It's why I had never been a shipper of Adam and Sharon. When the character truly learns from their past and changes then I am ok. That's not the story with Kristen. John and Marlena were correct in being suspicious. Kristen soon showed her true colors. While she gets some points for finally falling in love with Brady for real, her actions after Brady dumped her show that she has never changed.
Brady's cruelty towards Nicole for pointing out those facts show that she is way better than this idiot. His coldness along with calling her a bitch have led me to have little respect for this character. Like Eric I am not going to feel at all sorry when the truth comes out.
I know this is mostly plot centric sweeps crap but I still find it sad that two male characters are going to be destroyed. I hope that Nicole never forgives them or makes them grovel for a long time. The emotional hell they put her through is going to make her cold for a long time. I know that. I'm sure that she is going to self destruct in an epic way. At least she is going to less trusting, emotionless and pretty much saying go to hell to everyone. I really hope that Kristen pays dearly for this.
Lastly I wanted to discuss Abby. Wow is she deplorable. I already have a hard time relating to her. She's so perfect and great that two men were fighting over her and one is willing to spit on the memory of his dead sister for her. Her actions in regards to J.J. are just...their aren't any words to describe it. She's pretty much an enabler and threatened to cut ties with her mother for wanting to call the cops. I could go on about how pissed I am about J.J. He pretty much didn't care that he was given a free pass for his various crimes. Now he's going to have "sex" with Theresa who is all kinds of horrible. Abby felt that J.J. shouldn't go to prison. She even tried to go to Maggie. Maggie is wise enough to tell her the truth. Well Abby didn't like that and went home and saw Hope there and got pissed because she thought she was going to arrest J.J. Instead of doing the right thing for J.J. and letting him know that there are consequences for his actions all three are perfectly fine with being a pair of cowards and letting J.J. get away with whatever he wants. Abby basically sucks a lot. The fact that she is treated like the greatest character ever pisses me off a lot!
I haven't been watching the Young and Restless since Friday the 11th. For some odd reason the idea of watching Delia die and Adam get vilified is not awesome. I know we will get the standout performances from such powerhouses as Billy Miller, Elizabeth Hendrickson, Jess Walton, Peter Bergman along with Eileen Davidson and Beth Maitland. I don't think that it's really worth it for an Emmy win if about 2 people are left watching the show. I honestly cannot watch it anymore. The scenes are just too horrible to find entertaining. It was bad enough when Jill Farren Phelps did this with Jake on GH. Now it just sucks especially since from what I know they are going to make Adam the killer. So now and forever Adam will be known as a child killer. This was done with Luke during the Jake storyline. While it has mostly been whitewashed with the character it is still a dark spot no matter how much they try to downplay it. Now for years to come we will have to listen to Nick and Victoria among others vilify Adam. I just cannot do it. So obviously there will no longer be a State of Genoa City post.
Days of Our Lives does have its horrible moments. Who actually didn't want to punch their screens at the sight of Eric tearing down Nicole for believing she had raped him? It was horrible. Not as bad as killing a kid mind you but still bad. What's up with Sony and their soaps? I'm still going to tug along with Days if only for WilSon and the fact that I know that the truth about this is going to come out and its going to be epic!
I just hated that we had to see Eric acting very unlike a priest in his venom over Nicole. Even if he was right and Nicole did it, Eric went too far in what he said. First of all it was in a church. Second of all he pretty much said that Nicole was pure evil. Where is this forgiveness that he's supposed to have? I really lost all respect with him at that moment. To be honest I am not going to feel sorry for him when he finds out the truth and how wrong he was. Nicole did the rare thing of laying out her heart and it was quickly stomped by Eric.
Then there was Brady. The character is generally written dumb or really too horny for his own good. He decides he wants to marry a woman after two dates! He falls too easily in love. Then when he does he's generally dumb especially when it comes to Kristen. How he didn't know Kristen was playing him the first time is anyone's guess. He knew about her history from day one! I guess the sex was that great? That's mostly all this "relationship" has been about. I understand a family is not always correct about who a person chooses to love. Dr. Phil shows that. Seriously that show shows it. I would be on Brady's side if it had to do with ethnicity or sexual orientation i.e. something that his mate cannot change. It's something else when it comes to pasts, very cruel pasts and your family was victimized by this person. It's why I had never been a shipper of Adam and Sharon. When the character truly learns from their past and changes then I am ok. That's not the story with Kristen. John and Marlena were correct in being suspicious. Kristen soon showed her true colors. While she gets some points for finally falling in love with Brady for real, her actions after Brady dumped her show that she has never changed.
Brady's cruelty towards Nicole for pointing out those facts show that she is way better than this idiot. His coldness along with calling her a bitch have led me to have little respect for this character. Like Eric I am not going to feel at all sorry when the truth comes out.
I know this is mostly plot centric sweeps crap but I still find it sad that two male characters are going to be destroyed. I hope that Nicole never forgives them or makes them grovel for a long time. The emotional hell they put her through is going to make her cold for a long time. I know that. I'm sure that she is going to self destruct in an epic way. At least she is going to less trusting, emotionless and pretty much saying go to hell to everyone. I really hope that Kristen pays dearly for this.
Lastly I wanted to discuss Abby. Wow is she deplorable. I already have a hard time relating to her. She's so perfect and great that two men were fighting over her and one is willing to spit on the memory of his dead sister for her. Her actions in regards to J.J. are just...their aren't any words to describe it. She's pretty much an enabler and threatened to cut ties with her mother for wanting to call the cops. I could go on about how pissed I am about J.J. He pretty much didn't care that he was given a free pass for his various crimes. Now he's going to have "sex" with Theresa who is all kinds of horrible. Abby felt that J.J. shouldn't go to prison. She even tried to go to Maggie. Maggie is wise enough to tell her the truth. Well Abby didn't like that and went home and saw Hope there and got pissed because she thought she was going to arrest J.J. Instead of doing the right thing for J.J. and letting him know that there are consequences for his actions all three are perfectly fine with being a pair of cowards and letting J.J. get away with whatever he wants. Abby basically sucks a lot. The fact that she is treated like the greatest character ever pisses me off a lot!
State of Genoa City 10/7-10/11/13
Main Events
-Michael continued to claim that he killed Carmine even when Paul found the bullet in the wall.
-Fen has a complete blackout from the night Carmine was killed.
-Nikki found out that her son was alive and believed it was Dylan.
-Victor had a problem with Dylan.
-Tyler and Abby discussed their feelings.
-Phyllis squeezed Jack's hand but it ended up being involuntary.
-Sharon almost admitted what she did but doubled back and instead admitted her feelings.
-Nick let Sharon down gently.
-A DNA test proved that Adam was Connor's son.
-Adam and Chelsea found out that Connor will go blind unless he gets a cornea transplant very soon.
-Delia had her school play.
-After the play Kevin and Chloe have a date by watching Pretty in Pink at a theater.
-When Billy goes to get ice cream for a surprise party for Delia, Delia is left in the car, Dash runs off and she goes after him.
-Adam almost hits Dash and might have hit Delia.
-Billy finds Delia and called 911 but it doesn't look good.
-Billy has a dream about what Delia's life is going to be like.
Start reading more after the jump.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Is Chad going to die?
Like most Days fans I was at the edge of my computer chair, seat, couch, bed or whatever you sit or lie on this past week. Was Chad going to die? The end of Monday's episode certainly didn't help.
Luckily I watched in on Friday so I luckily only had to wait five seconds for the next show to come up on hulu. Yay! So I didn't have to go through a mental breakdown in waiting 24 hours to find out if he lived. That is certainly an advantage to having weekend marathons.
We did see some almost laughable medical work there. Cameron was all upset because one of the anticoagulants was dangerous to Chad due to him taking some drug for the brain tumor that Chad actually doesn't have. Luckily E.J. was there to explain.
The actor playing him basically doesn't know how to show emotions. In a soap opera that is key. Him pissed is like most people finding out that they are out of paper towels. Of course the poor kid is acting alongside a powerhouse like James Scott so maybe I should give him a pass.
What is even more laughable is that he decided to keep the secret. Wha?! I guess it would make Abigail very upset. She's so weak that she can't handle anything? I guess this is epic but yeah I laughed. Then after Chad woke up he did explain why he did it. Apparently what he did wasn't that big of a deal because Chad had gone out on a date with Abigail and kiss her. So faking a brain tumor that your sister died from is a completely legitimate thing to do.
Everyone else was awesome. Kristen was pissed at Sami because she didn't call her. I know I should be pissed but after volunteer girl explained that that is what families are like during situations like this, I understood. Kristen was scared and angry and lashing out. Sami did have some valid points about Stefano being the one to blame. After all it was his ego that caused this mess in the first place.
Joseph Mascolo was great in this hospital chapel scenes. I loved it! He finally said things that many people have been waiting 30 years for him to say. Will he change? I think it might try it for a month but something will happen to make him resort to his old ways. That's what E.J. does. Still Mr. Mascolo played his heart out in those scenes. He doesn't get to show how great of an actor he is at all so it's great to see it.
I kind of laughed at how Chad recovered so quickly from something that pretty much killed him for ten minutes. He was dead until Daniel did his thing! Are we supposed to think that he would be fine. It took me a month to recover from a hernia operation a few years ago and those are routine! Abby was even resting her head on his chest. He should pretty much be dead because of that!
Is Chad going to die? We know his portrayer has already left. So it's looking like he might leave town in disgrace after Abby finds out about his fake brain tumor.
I thought that I would end with a video. This is from 2011 during the last Dimera/Kiriakis war. This was the last time he was shot and he certainly acted like it was in pain this time. Of course he was shot in the arm and that probably doesn't feel very good. It was also an excuse for Casey Deidrick not to have a shirt on. Also it's a link because the video thing to embed this was an ass and the video would not show up. So yeah it's a link that opens in a new window. I don't think that the straight, bi and gay men will have a probably with that. You know the 3 people that might look at this blog.
Chad is Shot 8/15/11
Luckily I watched in on Friday so I luckily only had to wait five seconds for the next show to come up on hulu. Yay! So I didn't have to go through a mental breakdown in waiting 24 hours to find out if he lived. That is certainly an advantage to having weekend marathons.
We did see some almost laughable medical work there. Cameron was all upset because one of the anticoagulants was dangerous to Chad due to him taking some drug for the brain tumor that Chad actually doesn't have. Luckily E.J. was there to explain.
The actor playing him basically doesn't know how to show emotions. In a soap opera that is key. Him pissed is like most people finding out that they are out of paper towels. Of course the poor kid is acting alongside a powerhouse like James Scott so maybe I should give him a pass.
What is even more laughable is that he decided to keep the secret. Wha?! I guess it would make Abigail very upset. She's so weak that she can't handle anything? I guess this is epic but yeah I laughed. Then after Chad woke up he did explain why he did it. Apparently what he did wasn't that big of a deal because Chad had gone out on a date with Abigail and kiss her. So faking a brain tumor that your sister died from is a completely legitimate thing to do.
Everyone else was awesome. Kristen was pissed at Sami because she didn't call her. I know I should be pissed but after volunteer girl explained that that is what families are like during situations like this, I understood. Kristen was scared and angry and lashing out. Sami did have some valid points about Stefano being the one to blame. After all it was his ego that caused this mess in the first place.
Joseph Mascolo was great in this hospital chapel scenes. I loved it! He finally said things that many people have been waiting 30 years for him to say. Will he change? I think it might try it for a month but something will happen to make him resort to his old ways. That's what E.J. does. Still Mr. Mascolo played his heart out in those scenes. He doesn't get to show how great of an actor he is at all so it's great to see it.
I kind of laughed at how Chad recovered so quickly from something that pretty much killed him for ten minutes. He was dead until Daniel did his thing! Are we supposed to think that he would be fine. It took me a month to recover from a hernia operation a few years ago and those are routine! Abby was even resting her head on his chest. He should pretty much be dead because of that!
Is Chad going to die? We know his portrayer has already left. So it's looking like he might leave town in disgrace after Abby finds out about his fake brain tumor.
I thought that I would end with a video. This is from 2011 during the last Dimera/Kiriakis war. This was the last time he was shot and he certainly acted like it was in pain this time. Of course he was shot in the arm and that probably doesn't feel very good. It was also an excuse for Casey Deidrick not to have a shirt on. Also it's a link because the video thing to embed this was an ass and the video would not show up. So yeah it's a link that opens in a new window. I don't think that the straight, bi and gay men will have a probably with that. You know the 3 people that might look at this blog.
Chad is Shot 8/15/11
State of Salem 10/7-10/11/13
Main Events
-J.J. found out about the rape and vandalized Horton Square.
-Marge had it out with Sami and E.J.
-Gabi ended things with Nick.
-Eric agreed to marry Kristen and Brady.
-Kristen hired someone to steal the flash drive.
-After the thug couldn't get the flash drive, Parker found it in the park.
-"Evidence" seemed to prove to Eric that Nicole was the one that drugged him!
-Cameron looked to have proof that Chad was lying but E.J. saved the day.
-Rafe and Stefano had words.
-Marge arrived at Sami and E.J.'s engagement party and started shooting.
Commentary after the lovely jump.
Really Busy
When I started this blog I had wanted to have a venue to express my opinions. The "State of..." posts for both Days and Y&R have been more intense than I realized. It's not the words as much as the pictures. I am shocked at the amount of time it really takes. So therefore I'm going to have the state of posts be monthly. I will post the Days one with one picture, the what's up next week picture and the Y&R one as soon as possible as I was in the process of doing the picture. This will also allow me to do some more posts that are smaller in nature.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
State of Salem 9/30-10/4/13
Main Events
-Will, Gabi and Sonny cleared the air about recent events.
-Nick continued to be creepy.-Gabi was about the tell Nick that they were over.
-Rafe got Jordan to lower her guard a little.
-E.J. and Rafe had words.-Sami was not happy about the deal E.J. made with Stefano.
-Will was not happy about his mother's current living situation.
-Eric remembered nothing.
-Nicole decided to take the job and quit being Eric's secretary.
-Kristen found out that she no longer had hold of the incriminating flash drive.
-Justin and Adrienne made up.
-Marge was in denial about her husband.
-Abigail was jealous of Cameron and Gabi.
-Anne and Theresa schemed against Jennifer.
-J.J. found out that there was something bad about his father's past.
-J.J. attempted to find out the truth from Adrienne.
What do I think about this week? Click on read more for...well...more.
Monday, October 14, 2013
State of Genoa City 9/30-10/4/13
Main Events
-Nick and Dylan get into a fight.
-Avery and Nick had an encounter in the park that basically sucked.
-Sharon wasn't happy with how slow things were going.
-Hilary and Neil had an honest conversation before she attempted to trick him into drinking again.
-Devon attempted to pay off Hilary but to no avail.
-Nick wasn't happy with Noah working for Victor.
-Cane decided to quit as CEO of Chancellor.
-Chelsea and Victor had it out.
-Nikki defended Chelsea which caused a fight between her and Victor.
-Stitch started his first day of work at the hospital where he met Nikki.
-Paul found out that Nikki's baby is alive, is a war vet and currently lives in Genoa City.
-The businesswoman of the year awards ends with Carmine's death and Michael taking the fall.
Commentary starts after the jump!
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
General Hospital Musings
The big stories on General Hospital involve Robin coming back and the truth about baby Connie/Georgie.
The baby thing was something I have been looking forward to for a while. I think everyone has. Maybe you haven't? What makes this awesome is that it's been a secret that has lasted for almost a year. I think I can honestly say that people knew something was going to go down with the whole surrogacy thing back when Maxie first said she would be the surrogate. Surrogate storylines are starting to become a staple of soaps and for good reason. It adds an extra dimension as the woman who carries it starts to develop a bond. Both Coronation Street and The Young and the Restless have addressed this.
This became something else with Maxie having a miscarriage and then having sex with Spinelli in the same night. I'm not sure if that is even biologically possible. Actually I know it isn't. Getting pregnant, no matter how they show it on soaps is actually not easy. So the fact that that happened at all is funny. Maxie's choice to lie to Lulu and Dante and give them a child that is biologically not theirs is not awesome. I know that there are quite a few fans of the Maxie and Spinelli pairing who feel sorry for them and are even saying that Lulu and Dante are villains in this but I don't understand that. Maxie made a choice to lie. Since the child is biologically hers she would have had no obligation to stay with the surrogacy control. In fact it would be void.
I know that I should feel a little for her especially since she is making a huge "sacrifice" but she made this choice. Lulu and Dante are the ones that were completely snowed. Just imagine that you got attached and had a bond with a child watching it grow and finally seeing it as a real live person. Now because of that attachment Lulu and Dante are going to be destroyed. Since they are the legal parents on the birth certificate they have legal rights. Being that Maxie was willing to give up the child Lulu and Dante might have a chance at custody.
I am personally going to be on team Lante for this.
As for Robin? I have never been that interested in her. Maybe 90s Robin who was awesome. This judgement/self righteous incarnation of the past 7 years? No. I haven't really cared about any of that stuff about Sabrina and Patrick and so it was more of a meh to seeing her back. I know she has her fans but unless it's 1996 again I'm not interested. It was great to see Jerry Jacks. He's one of my favorite villains on GH. He always has the best lines. It's great to see him.
This became something else with Maxie having a miscarriage and then having sex with Spinelli in the same night. I'm not sure if that is even biologically possible. Actually I know it isn't. Getting pregnant, no matter how they show it on soaps is actually not easy. So the fact that that happened at all is funny. Maxie's choice to lie to Lulu and Dante and give them a child that is biologically not theirs is not awesome. I know that there are quite a few fans of the Maxie and Spinelli pairing who feel sorry for them and are even saying that Lulu and Dante are villains in this but I don't understand that. Maxie made a choice to lie. Since the child is biologically hers she would have had no obligation to stay with the surrogacy control. In fact it would be void.
I know that I should feel a little for her especially since she is making a huge "sacrifice" but she made this choice. Lulu and Dante are the ones that were completely snowed. Just imagine that you got attached and had a bond with a child watching it grow and finally seeing it as a real live person. Now because of that attachment Lulu and Dante are going to be destroyed. Since they are the legal parents on the birth certificate they have legal rights. Being that Maxie was willing to give up the child Lulu and Dante might have a chance at custody.
I am personally going to be on team Lante for this.
As for Robin? I have never been that interested in her. Maybe 90s Robin who was awesome. This judgement/self righteous incarnation of the past 7 years? No. I haven't really cared about any of that stuff about Sabrina and Patrick and so it was more of a meh to seeing her back. I know she has her fans but unless it's 1996 again I'm not interested. It was great to see Jerry Jacks. He's one of my favorite villains on GH. He always has the best lines. It's great to see him.
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