Tuesday, October 22, 2013

State of Salem 10/7-10/11/13

Main Events

-J.J. found out about the rape and vandalized Horton Square.
-Marge had it out with Sami and E.J.
-Gabi ended things with Nick.
-Eric agreed to marry Kristen and Brady.
-Kristen hired someone to steal the flash drive.
-After the thug couldn't get the flash drive, Parker found it in the park.
-"Evidence" seemed to prove to Eric that Nicole was the one that drugged him!
-Cameron looked to have proof that Chad was lying but E.J. saved the day.
-Rafe and Stefano had words.
-Marge arrived at Sami and E.J.'s engagement party and started shooting.

Commentary after the lovely jump.

J.J. Really Doesn't Like Books
Well at least books about his father who he found out was a rapist. We finally got the rampage scenes and they were intense. He was punching and throwing and doing whatever was necessary to let everyone know how he felt about his father being a rapist.

I'm actually impressed with Casey Moss and actually felt sorry for J.J. He was very powerful when he confronted everyone for lying to him about the truth. While I understand what Jennifer did I also get J.J.'s POV. Who would have thought I would say that this week? It was certainly the scene of the week.

Marge Blames Sami for Global Warming
Actually she doesn't that's just because she didn't get the chance. Like with J.J. I do feel sorry for her. I don't think she should think that her husband is some innocent victim. He had a role in his death. So I really think that while she has a valid point to go after Sami she can't blame her 100% for what happened.

Sami is generally a good person. We saw that when she comforted Marge over what is going on in her life. It really does such to be Marge Bernardi. She had even decided to kill herself and even wrote a suicide letter. She had the gun to her head but decided that it would be better to killed Sami and E.J. Well actually the writers wanted a sweeps stunt but yeah.

There have been some comments about the actress playing her being really horrible. She's hammy and overdramatic. She's certainly good looking and I would say and ok actress. There was nothing really horrible about her but also nothing really great. She did what she had to do. For an actor that was only on for a few dozen episodes I would say that she did good. This was probably her first major role so I'm going to give her a pass.

Her deciding to dress up and killed Sami and E.J. was almost laughable. She put a lot of thought into that. She got all dressed up with makeup and a dress that she shouldn't be able to afford. Wasn't she talking about not being able to pay her mortgage back in August. Then she could afford to take Timmy to Eric's school when some couldn't afford to. Did Joe buy her that dress? Wouldn't she had thought it was strange. I'm thinking that dress is a few hundred dollars at least. You can't buy something like that at Walmart!

All of her scenes on Friday involved her trying to find them. First she's at Horton Square pretty much waving the damn gun in public. Then she goes to their house and conveniently overhears that the party is at Club TBD. Then she arrives in the last scene and shoots. It was pretty fast and just went to black. We have no idea who she shot. Being that Will was almost blocking the door or close to it, it could be him. I think that it's obvious that it's Chad as his portrayer is leaving. Well he actually already left because they film ahead by 2 months. Plus Stefano was way too arrogant for his own good.

It's soap law that if a character is happy and everything is going their way that a tragedy will befall them. Plus Caroline's prophetic words to Stefano on two occasions where she pretty much said that karma's a bitch are telling us too.

Chad will either die or fall into a coma. It will probably be die because it's sweeps. So Abby will be left mourning her boyfriend and possibly even pregnant so a piece of Chad is still left on this world. Cameron will probably get with her a six months and I'm sure the truth about him faking his brain tumor will come out. Secrets always do on soaps.

Lastly I felt bad for Cameron. E.J. treatened to take his medical career away for actually finding out that Chad is faking it. E.J. then put him in some weird headlock thingy where Cameron showed no emotions to being threatened. They had the gall after it to think it was brilliant. I guess you can say taht karma is a bitch for Chad if it's true and he gets shot.
Nick is Not a Happy Camper

So Nick found out that Gabi isn't getting back together with him. He creepily said, after she left, they all they needed to do was get out of town. So he is going to kidnap her. Wouldn't it be ironic if he held her hostage and an email/text was sent out that she was out of town? Like what happened to Melanie? That would be karma. All of her we need to got over with happened to Melanie would suddenly disappear. She would understand the trauma that Melanie was put though and how cruel she was for allowing it to happen.

Rafe Really Hates Stefano. Did You Know That?
I didn't either until this episode. He certainly stared at Stefano like he wanted him dead. Stefano insulted him for being in a wheelchair. It's a soap stereotype that if you are paralyzed you are not a man. Even though Stefano is old fashioned in his thinking, I'm not going to give him a pass. Rafe is ten times the man Stefano ever was. I can't wait until he gets him back. He needs to pull a Ken Barlow with Stefano. In case you are confused times a million just check out the video below. Like a boss!
That is how you do it!
Ken Corday Called: The Flash Drive has a 13 Week Contract and It's Called Blue!
The adventures of that stupid flash drive continue this week. Kristen knows that Marlena has blue and decides to hire a thug to steal it. Remember how well that happened last year? I guess it worked out for her because Stefano had the guy that "attacked" her and Brady killed when he was causing trouble, while Brady knows it was a set up he has forgiven her. Now this idiot tries to steal it. He fails because Marlena kicks ass!

We also got to see Nicole be awesome. That's not hard but she was pretty hilarious. The guy did get away but not without blue. Little blue was hidden under a leaf in the park but no one knew until it was too late. Parker went to the park (HAHA! I didn't even mean to do that!) and picked it up. So when Marlen and Nicole went back in the park to find blue, knowing that it now had use, they found nothing. They are a great comedy team.
Eric Is Going to Get a Red Herring Drugger!
Eric believes that Nicole did it now. That's right Nicole. Why? Because some letter from the hotel says that the only woman that checked in was called Fay Taylor. Fay is Nicole's mother and Taylor is her sister. She had/has a rocky relationship with them both. Nicole had some poignant scenes when she spoke about her late mother. Eric seemed to believe even after her speech that she could do that. Did he not think that it's a set up? Kristen is very good if she set that up. Did Nicole use that name. She was there and had to check herself in to even get to Eric. They had been setting it up to make Nicole take the fall for at least a month so I'm not surprised. Wow is Eric going to have to do some groveling when the truth comes out!
Things That Were Awesome This Week
What was awesome? Sonny's bowtie that's what. He was really adorable and sexy. I'm surprised that Will and Sonny even made it to the engagement party to be honest. It's certainly worth mentioning.

Parker's really the cutest. Really! He's adorable. What was awesome was when he put blue on his train for transport. I don't know if he was told to do that or not. It was really the cutest!

Marlena and Nicole's scenes were fantastic! They are a great comedy duo as I said above. Marlena plays straight really well. They need to have these two on screen more often.
Coming Up
The promo doesn't mention who is shot. Instead how this effects Sami and E.J. Well actually Sami. It's all about Sami after all! Nothing about who was shot though it's obvious that it's Chad. Nothing about anyone else. That's annoying. I guess they are trying to keep it a secret even though we know who was shot.
At least Roman gets his 5 minutes of airtime a month.

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