Main Events
-Nick and Dylan get into a fight.
-Avery and Nick had an encounter in the park that basically sucked.
-Sharon wasn't happy with how slow things were going.
-Hilary and Neil had an honest conversation before she attempted to trick him into drinking again.
-Devon attempted to pay off Hilary but to no avail.
-Nick wasn't happy with Noah working for Victor.
-Cane decided to quit as CEO of Chancellor.
-Chelsea and Victor had it out.
-Nikki defended Chelsea which caused a fight between her and Victor.
-Stitch started his first day of work at the hospital where he met Nikki.
-Paul found out that Nikki's baby is alive, is a war vet and currently lives in Genoa City.
-The businesswoman of the year awards ends with Carmine's death and Michael taking the fall.
Commentary starts after the jump!
It's A Really Stupid 30 Something Quadrangle
This week started off with a fight between Nick and Dylan. Dylan punched him and it was awesome! Sometimes I wonder who we're supposed to root for. If it's Nick than they failed...on an epic level. Because he sucks. He's a spoiled rich boy who lives in his Daddy's tack house, has never had to work for a thing and falls in love with women after two minutes.
This is supposed to be Nick's wake up call about how things "went wrong" in his life. How did he end up "falling" in love with a woman who was in love with someone else? I was happy about this whole Nick having some sort of emotional journey thing at first. Of course so far he has gotten drunk and gotten punched after insulting a war vet with PTSD and had an immature conversation with Avery.
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No it's yours! |
I know that I'm probably being hard on Nick. I have never been a fan of the character. I don't hate rich characters. Some such as Jack Abbott are just awesome on default. I also love Billy. I guess the main problem with this is that I don't have any emotional stake in any of the characters. I don't care about Nick or Avery. I like Dylan though. He's becoming a favorite even if he was written as a Mary Sue when he first arrived on the scene in January.
To sum it up I don't like Nick, feel almost nothing for Avery and like Dylan.
Sharon meanwhile thought she had won. Avery was gone, Nick was devastated and free. I will give Nick points for not automatically jumping into bed with Sharon. This is something he would have done in the past. I wanted to laugh when Sharon realized that she was not going to get Nick that easily. Her plan had failed. Of course it wasn't going to be that easy. Even though Sharon had her little tantrum her vision of her dead daughter told her to fight for Nick.
5 bucks if you thought that shrine to Sharon, Nick and Faith was made by Sharon. I certainly did.
This is our Plot Centric Storyline Folks!
The Hilary or Ann or whatever this despicable character is called was on this week. We got to see how she was the female Adam except not awesome at all. I will admit that I did get some non psychotic emotions this week. It's obvious that she loved her mother. At least that's how she played it. Her MO is basically that she and her mother were very close and that she misses her more than anything. This is her reason for her hatred of Neil. She wants to destroy him because in her mind he murdered her mother. So everything she is doing is justified.
Well...not really. There are problems with this storyline that don't work. If she's supposed to be a villain than it worked. If we are supposed to feel sorry for Hilary or her mother than it failed. The first problem is that we know very little about this mother. Her name is Rose, she had correspondence with Gus Rogan (Lesley and Tyler's father) while he was in prison. From what I know she was a woman with baggage. She was pretty much a drinking buddy one night with Neil after Dru died. She went to her room and passed out, Neil thought she was sleeping and put a do not disturb sign at her room. She was actually dead and Neil did not know it.
The second problem is that Hilary is acting as if Neil is some psychotic serial killer that planned to kill her. Neil honestly thought she had passed out. I believe him. Neil is one of the few really good guys left on soaps. To think that would want her dead on purpose is laughable. Hilary thinks so and decides that revenge is the best option. It only seems over dramatic. It was a tragic accident. I honestly do not hate Neil. I can see her point of view.
The third problem is that Hilary is acting as if her mother was perfect. From everything she said her mother was a good mother. That's her biased point of view. There is the fact that she went to a bar and drank a lot with some guy she barely knew. This is generally ignored by Hilary. I don't think this is the first time this has happened. I just don't see this woman as the victim. I'm thinking that that might be part of the reason Hilary is so obsessed with revenge. She probably knew that her mother had some of the blame and is trying to make up for it.
The fourth problem is that we don't know Rose Turner at all. How are we supposed to feel sorry for a character that probably had about 10 minutes of screentime in all, with one character in flashbacks? Not going to work. I feel nothing for her and therefore don't have any emotional connection to her. This revenge plan would work better if it was for a character that mattered.
The fifth and last problem has to do with Hilary. We have had one scene of her talking about memories with her mother to Neil. Then we have her trying to get Neil to drink again. What makes this even worse is that in the next episode she was on she was seeming to enjoy this all. It's as if this is one great game to her. It made her lose any sympathy for her. Instead it seems that Hilary is a true sociopath that is using her mother's death as an excuse to destroy lives. Plus she barely mentions her mother in any relevant way.
To sum it up I think this is just a storyline with no character development that gives Neil something to do.
Victor Always Wins Part 345
The business stuff was mostly boring and annoying. Victor won. Adam and Jack lost. Noah is going to work for her grandfather. I almost fell asleep. Victor always wins which is one thing that I hate. Adam is the hated child yet again. Now the very boring Noah is going to work for his granddaddy. Nick attempted to get him to rethink it but to no avail.
I find Noah very boring. The actor just isn't doing anything remarkable. They keep recasting him which is dumb. I have heard something about the show he was in with Hunter King in which they were lovers (ewwww!) having a connection to the people in charge of the show right now. It might make sense that he was hired if it's due to him just being on the Hollywood Heights show. I feel nothing for him at all. I do understand the going from career to career thing because that's realistic for a 22 year old. No matter what our society attempts to say, no one is going to know at that age what they want to do. It's just a boring storyline for me.
I liked that Cane and Victor scenes. He's not Victor's bitch like most of these characters. It was really made evident why. He doesn't need Victor's approval or acceptance. He didn't let Victor have the power. He let him know what was up and when Victor didn't play he left. That's really the best thing than any character on this show that is obsessed with Victor (Victoria, Jack, Adam etc.) and his approval need to do.
Lastly Chelsea did get my respect this week with her showdown with Victor. As the weekly preview showed, she let him know that she wasn't going to let him do to Connor what he does to all of his children. I loved that she did that. I'm still pissed with her still listening to Chloe and her bad advice. You can't win them all.
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It's my newest piece of property! |
Talking about the Newman family. She came back.
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I wouldn't have had a problem with her staying out of town for four more years. |
Nikki Talks to her Red Herring Son!
We got to see how the writers of this show think we are stupid this week. Haha and lol at the idea that Stitch is Nikki's son. Paul did find out he was alive at the same time that she was talking to Stitch at the hospital. Paul then found out that the father didn't know that the child wasn't his. (It ends up that the mother "adopted" the child in order to get back with her ex, claiming the baby was his. What would have happened if she ended up with a baby of a different ethnicity such as east or southeast Asia, the Pacific or Africa?) Both parents are dead and he is also a war vet. It's looking like Dylan is the son. He's a war vet and both parents are dead. If Dylan's father had no reason to think Dylan wasn't his then there would be no reason for Dylan to think the same.
Of course they did the whole it's actually Stitch you idiots trick. They got along and had a connection. So it could seem that way. It isn't of course because there needs to be connections and drama with this child. I would say that whole Dylan/Avery/Nick thing would make that so. Nick also doesn't think too highly of Dylan so of course Dylan is the son.
Carmine's Last Stand
The week ended with the death of Carmine Basco. Of course we all saw that coming. I did have a sliver of hope that with his arrest a few weeks ago that we wouldn't get a stupid murder mystery. Of course it's a soap opera so there was one. It started off with general stupidity for many characters. Alex had spent a WHOLE EPISODE creating surveillance for Michael and Lauren's home. Being the geniuses that they are they decided to stay at a HOTEL for her businesswoman of the year award. Instead of having it postponed because a DANGEROUS MAN WITH MOB CONNECTIONS was after her she decided to still have it. Then there is the fact that anyone with brains would know that Carmine escaped with the help of a CORRUPT COP or two being how secure his transport van was. There is also how arrogant he was when he was arrested. He knew he was never going to serve time. This was never looked into. You mean the town that had COPS SELLING DRUGS TO PRISONERS a few years ago wouldn't get looked at for corruption. Are you telling me that no one would look at what cops were on duty that night? REALLY?
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I'm glad we have keystone cops here. |
If the cops actually looked into who helped Carmine and found the corrupt cop and there was a decent fight scene or two then I would be ok with having this thing go down the way it did. By ok I mean about 30-40%. It would have been great to see the cops as something besides something that main characters yell at when something bad happens. The yelling did happen but I kept thinking that it would have never happened if Michael and Lauren had just STAYED AT HOME AND DIDN'T GO TO THIS STUPID THING IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!! Plus who is watching the tv and didn't see the switch in videos?
Gloria and her entertaining arrogance was worth it. I love me some Gloria and she was one positive thing that happened with this whole thing.
You would think that with Michael being a lawyer and former DA that he would understand that the first suspect never did it. He thinks that Fen did it because his chip was there. We don't know who did it just that Carmine begged a little and then there was the shot. I also have to laugh at how they think that just because a text is deleted that it's actually deleted. I believe that the phone company actually can retrieve them. Maybe I'm wrong. They think Fen did it and Michael's smart plan is to say he did it, even shooting at the wall to have the good old GSR on his body.
So now we will have months of this crap with Michael on trial and the real killer out there laughing at Michael's stupidity.
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Who didn't see this coming? |
Yay Things for the Week
There were two things that were awesome this week. Yes only two. How sad it that? It think it might have been 5-10 minutes of screentime in total. It probably wasn't.
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They're just too darn cute! |
Yay thing #1 is Kevlex and their awesome chemistry. I loved The Odd Couple reference. Even though it's looking like more of a bromance and romance now with Kevin going to Lauren's thing with Chloe. Who knows. Alex is single after all! I'm hoping for a slow progression anyone. I'm willing to wait for at least a year before getting pissed. As these two work together I know we will have scenes of them together. I enjoyed watching these two. It was far more entertaining than Victor and always winning, Nick feeling sorry for himself and the Carmine crap. I will say I enjoyed Nikki and Stitch's interaction.
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Can this kid get anymore awesome? |
Yay thing #2 was Delia's scenes this week. This interaction between her and Chloe was seriously the cutest thing ever! She's playing matchmaker. How is it that her playing matchmaker is awesome and Faith's is not? Is it because she's not a sociopath in training? Delia is one of the best things on this show right now. They had better not soras her at all! The actress kicks ass and takes names. I would rather see a full episode of her than Summer. Summer was on this week but found her very annoying so she isn't worth mentioning. If they sent Faith to a boarding school or institution I would not mind. Please keep Delia!
Coming Up
It's looking like some more Carmine crap, Chelsea wondering if Adam is going to take Connor from her and something with Billy. I was meh at most of the stuff except for the Billy stuff. This looks good especially since it looks like it was on location. Location stuff on Y&R only happens when its going to be great drama. This is obvious the start of something to coincide with November Sweeps. It's looking like someone is in peril. Is it Victoria again? Who knows but it's enough of a sneak peek to make me interested.
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This doesn't look good at all. |
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