Main Events
-Will, Gabi and Sonny cleared the air about recent events.
-Nick continued to be creepy.
-Gabi was about the tell Nick that they were over.
-Rafe got Jordan to lower her guard a little.
-E.J. and Rafe had words.
-Sami was not happy about the deal E.J. made with Stefano.
-Will was not happy about his mother's current living situation.
-Eric remembered nothing.
-Nicole decided to take the job and quit being Eric's secretary.
-Kristen found out that she no longer had hold of the incriminating flash drive.
-Justin and Adrienne made up.
-Marge was in denial about her husband.
-Abigail was jealous of Cameron and Gabi.
-Anne and Theresa schemed against Jennifer.
-J.J. found out that there was something bad about his father's past.
-J.J. attempted to find out the truth from Adrienne.
What do I think about this week? Click on read more for...well...more.
Will is the Adult and Sami is the Child
I think this one has been obvious for years. Right? Sami has always has the personality of a 15 year old girl. This is especially true in her relationships with men. Well in any relationship with anyone. She has always been selfish and immature. She has always felt that her mother favored Carrie over her and then there is John. It's been over twenty year and while she might have some valid points, she has never gotten over this or wanted to. I feel that she always has to play the victim because she has always felt that she was treated as the villain no matter what.
Life is so not fair! |
My problem this week is that Sami enveloped into straight histrionics over staying with Stefano. I can understand why she's upset. I'm not saying she had a point. It was the way she went about it. Maybe I'm biased because E.J. pretty much lost his dignity and self respect to get Sami out of jail. He's pretty much Stefano's bitch for a long time to come. So to see her getting upset over this seemed flat and overdramatic. It's a big house! You don't have to talk to him. Isn't it better than being in prison? She's the daughter of a cop! Hell she's related to 75% of the police force or was at one time. She would have a small chance of making it out alive. She gets to go wherever she wants, be with her children etc. So I don't agree that she's in prison because she has to live with Stefano. I was not very supportive of her temper tantrum over living with Stefano.
If I'm not bitching about something then I'm not Sami Brady. |
I actually found Stefano funny this week. The whole scene where Wagner's epic "Rise of the Valkyries" was playing was brilliant.
"This is music that I love!" |
Will and Sonny meanwhile had an argument about Sonny not telling Will that he knew Gabi and Nick were sleeping together. Will didn't understand why Sonny would do it. Sonny was not happy about Will being angry at him due to the drama that is going on in Will's life. E.J. arrived and got them to calm down.
Will and Sonny fight but it's only briefly. |
When Sonny explained that Gabi had been blackmailing him over the fear that Gabi would take Ari away. What made this great is that they decided to look at this as adults. Gabi was not treated like the worst person in the world. They both agreed that there was a problem and it needed to be resolved. This did not include accusations and punishments. They were able to clear the air. What made this great was that Gabi realized on her own that Nick was not good for her. Things ended up well for them. I find this more entertaining instead of the typical histrionics that tend to happen on soaps. Things do not always have to be overdone. So kudos to the writers/executive producers of Days for Monday's episode.
We're going to discuss this in a calm and mature manner...really. |
Nick meanwhile is getting creepy. It's getting into 2008 levels here! He has decided that he is meant to be with Gabi. They are this great couple. The only problem is the judgmental people of this town. Why would they have a problem with this relationship after all? His plan is to send out picture of her to modeling agencies in such places as New York and Los Angeles. The plan is for her to get a job with Nick following suit and living happily ever after with Ari.
This should be a nomination for Creepy Smile of the Year award. |
Messed up huh? I would say so. Gabi was about to tell him that things were over on Friday but didn't get to. I guess we will have to wait until next week to see how Nick ends up not acting creepy towards Gabi. I know a kidnapping will be happening soon. It's getting to November sweeps time anyway.
He's really not going to like with Gabi has to say. |
I found Jordan to be awesome this week. Even though her scenes were spread over two days with Monday being the time she had the most screentime. There are so many things to mention. I like how she doesn't care who she's talking to when it's about her patient. Kate be damned! It's great that she opened up a little this week. I do find it sexist that if a man acted this way it would be fine but it's different because she's a woman. A woman doesn't have to show her emotions all of the time. I also loved how she saved the day when Marge stormed in. How funny was that interaction with Gabi. Gabi apparently thinks that everyone wants to talk to her. She found out that was wrong!
Jordan would rather randomly tap on her tablet then talk to Gabi. |
Too bad Jordan wasn't there when E.J. arrived. I would love to see her give him some words. E.J. came in and twisted the knife in about Rafe not being able to move and how Bernardi was going to kill Rafe. It's still a little hilarious that Stefano wanted a certain body part of Rafe's sent to him. I know it was explained as some weird macho man thingy but seemed to be have homoerotic undertones.
Hospital food is supposed to be horrible but I'm going to show how badass I am by eating it. |
Lets Just Give the Flashdrive A Contract!
How many people were pissed when it ended up that Eric remembered nothing? I know I was. It was stupid
and is making me hate this storyline even more than I do. I really don't like it at all. It is taking way too long for me. All Eric did was leave the room!
I remember nothing I say! |
We got some nice stuff from Eric and Kristen. It did add more depth to the relationship. After all the couple are really only good at sex. Their relationship is improving. They are talking about issues that are more important. than who rips off their clothes first. So yay for them.
Who would have thought that there are things more important than sex? |
This storyline is certainly more plot than character centric. It's getting to the point where we're getting into camp played straight with this whole flashdrive thing. How bad is it that the flashdrive has more screentime than Hope? Kristen was finally willing to get rid of the stupid thing that she's been carrying with her for months only to find out from Sarah Smith the tech girl that it's not the same one.
Kristen practices her deer in the headlights look. |
Lets talk about Sarah a little. She totally stole the show, as she has in the past with her scenes. She's sarcastic and snarky and all kinds of awesome. I enjoyed her. She should get a bigger role. She's ten times more entertaining than most of the characters on this show right now. That awesome! In case anyone is interested her name is Andie Bolt and has a few writing credits to her name. I just love her comebacks. I actually laughed out loud when she looked concerned about Kristen killing someone. She apparently lost the memo that Kristen is a Dimera. I'm assuming that she doesn't work for the Dimera's but just an expert who probably is contracted to be computer/hacking stuff for different companies.
"This isn't the right flash drive." |
We also found out this week that Nicole is actually going to take the job offer and leave Eric. Eric obviously did not want this but what was he to do? It's obvious that both characters care for each other but are not willing to admit it to each other or even out loud at all.
Lets not reveal our feelings for about another 4 months ok? |
I Know I Should Feel Bad for Marge but...yeah
Do you remember my comments from last week. Well since I'm so late with this it's actually 2 weeks ago but lets just pretend it's a week ago. I wanted Marge back on so we can get her to realize that her "hero" husband is not really a hero. Actually he's a corrupt cop who worked for the Dimera's and was cheating on his wife with a nurse. At least it wasn't a prostitute or female gangster/criminal right? Marge did not actually come to that realization. Actually denial isn't just a river in Egypt for her.
Watch as I lose my mind for ratings. |
Marge doesn't want to believe that her husband is the horrible person that he ended up being. Well maybe just flawed. He didn't seem too excited about what he had to do to Rafe. He seemed quite horrified. As a man I'm sure he didn't want the same thing to do with him. Cheating isn't the worse thing a person can do. When I was 14 I thought that way. Now I understand that there is more to the story. We don't know why he decided to be corrupt. Was it a decision? We will never know.
Marge blames everyone but her husband for what happened. |
Marge has decided that all the bad things are lies and E.J. is behind it all. She blames E.J. along with Justin for what went down. She just can't believe that her husband would do it. No one has spoken about the fact that he cheated on her. I would like to know how she felt about that. Nothing. Marge apparently is losing her mind. She was even mad at Rafe! I am disappointed that we are not getting a good resolution from this.
Yes lets blame the guy who was in the coma Marge. |
Justin and Adrienne made up this week which was interrupted by Marge. I saw this coming as they are considered minor characters so the drama was only temporary and plot centric for them. I was glad for them as I'm a sap that loves the 80s supercouples. Except for Luke and Laura. That's a story for another time.
Yay for Justin and Adrienne! |
Theresa+Abigail=Annoying and Childish
So this week we got to see the lowest common denominator of female characters in these two. They are apparently adults but I don't know how we would come to that conclusion. Abigail continues to get on my nerves.
All hail the awesome Abby! |
This week she took a page out of how are we rooting for this chick book. She made her decision or Cameron made it for her? I honestly do not remember at all because my brain tuned out about five minutes through this storyline of which guy will Abby choose. That is because her mother got the same storyline in 2011. Jack eventually "won" because I believe Daniel bowed out. It's almost hilarious that the same thing is happening here except that this isn't a comedy storyline. It's real and played straight. Now Abby is jealous because Cameron is moving on.
If Abby and Chad are girlfriend and boyfriend... |
Her beef is that Cameron bowed out because he has a lot of work being an intern and all. That is true. Apparently Abby feels that it's horrible that he's going out on a date with Gabi. I guess I should be mad at Cameron but I'm not. Why should she even care? She's with Chad now! I just find her annoying as hell.
...then why is she jealous of Cameron and Gabi? |
I just find this look on her face to be very funny. |
Theresa is even worse. I find her a waste of screentime. Really Theresa? She gets her second chance she was willing to do anything for and uses it to get back at Jennifer. So now she's on a mission to make Jennifer's life hell. Her plan starts with making Jennifer think that her and Daniel are an item. It's something a 15 year old girl would do. I don't find it at all entertaining or interesting. Jennifer's over 40! Get over it Theresa!
I'm in my late 20s and have a vendetta with a woman over 40. I'm just that pathetic. |
J.J. is a detective!
Yes that is right. The kid that has spent the whole summer dealing drugs and hating Daniel and generally being unlikable is a detective. The second half of the week was spent on J.J. trying to figure out what his aunt Kayla meant about his father not being a saint. So he's on a mission.
I hate to tell you J.J. but your father was not a saint. |
I shouldn't be so hard on the kid. After all he has looked up to his father. His beef with Daniel is that it seems that Daniel "won" Jennifer by default. He doesn't want anyone with his mother but Jack. He has put the guy up on a pedestal. Now it's looking like that is not true. So he wants to know what everyone is talking about.
J.J. attempts to get the truth out of Abby. |
Of course that means that he would find out that his father raped Kayla back in 1987. They were married but she was in love with a guy named Steve and cheated on him with Steve. Jack would later find out that guy was his brother. He was eventually forgiven. Of course this is not something you just tell your children on a lazy Sunday. I agree that J.J. needed to be told at the right time. I get why they didn't tell him. They were not sweeping it under the rug.
Do you think he knows? |
We did not get to see him find out this week. Adrienne got to have another day of scenes when she spoke to J.J. on Friday. He tried to manipulate her into telling the truth. She almost did, mentioning Laurence's trial Jack's testimony. She even dropped her cup for dramatic effect!
This probably wasn't the greatest time to have tea anyway. |
Of course we didn't get to see the vandalizing thingy we were promised. That happens next week. Why would they have a promo for something that happens the week after?
Things That Were Awesome This Week.
There were three things that I actually enjoyed. It was actually three people.
I got five minutes of screentime this week! |
We got some Maggie! She was mostly pimping Dannifer but I don't mind. She's looking as awesome as ever in green and her usual it's 1984 again hairstyle. I love this style and it should come back. Of course I also want to bring back the sweaters with geometric designs. My mother said no and she was my age at that time! So maybe I'm not the best person to ask for fashion advice. It was great to see her anyway. She needs a storyline that doesn't have to do with menopause or cancer. Just because you're over 40 doesn't mean that you have no story potential. Coronation Street is proof of that!
Only I can drive some sense into Sami. |
Caroline was on too. She let Sami know that she was basically being an idiot. She obviously didn't say it like that but you know what I mean. It was great to see her and that she is getting to be on even if it's once a week. She has more sense than most of the characters anyway and is awesome. This is with her having Alzheimer's. I hope that she gets to show up more frequently.
It's all about the flash drive! |
Victor also made an appearance. It had to do with that stupid flash drive but at least we got Victor. It was mostly about Marlena talking about how she can't use it because she can't get close to Kristen. I guess any Victor is better than none at all. That's what we got. I am going to be so happy when that whole storyline is over because it's getting really really ridiculous.
Coming Up
Marge has a gun! I wish I could say I was surprised but I am not. It has nothing to do with already seeing the week in ahead. That certainly helps. It has more to do with it being obvious that this woman is going to go that route. Talk about stereotypical soap. Woman always decide to shoot people with gun when an injustice occurs. That's because when women are upset they get all emotional and can't think straight. Of course the widow of a cop would break the law. That would make him very proud!
Who is going to die from this? |
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