Tuesday, October 1, 2013

General Hospital Musings

The big stories on General Hospital involve Robin coming back and the truth about baby Connie/Georgie.
The baby thing was something I have been looking forward to for a while. I think everyone has. Maybe you haven't? What makes this awesome is that it's been a secret that has lasted for almost a year. I think I can honestly say that people knew something was going to go down with the whole surrogacy thing back when Maxie first said she would be the surrogate. Surrogate storylines are starting to become a staple of soaps and for good reason. It adds an extra dimension as the woman who carries it starts to develop a bond. Both Coronation Street and The Young and the Restless have addressed this.

This became something else with Maxie having a miscarriage and then having sex with Spinelli in the same night. I'm not sure if that is even biologically possible. Actually I know it isn't. Getting pregnant, no matter how they show it on soaps is actually not easy. So the fact that that happened at all is funny. Maxie's choice to lie to Lulu and Dante and give them a child that is biologically not theirs is not awesome. I know that there are quite a few fans of the Maxie and Spinelli pairing who feel sorry for them and are even saying that Lulu and Dante are villains in this but I don't understand that. Maxie made a choice to lie. Since the child is biologically hers she would have had no obligation to stay with the surrogacy control. In fact it would be void.

I know that I should feel a little for her especially since she is making a huge "sacrifice" but she made this choice. Lulu and Dante are the ones that were completely snowed. Just imagine that you got attached and had a bond with a child watching it grow and finally seeing it as a real live person. Now because of that attachment Lulu and Dante are going to be destroyed. Since they are the legal parents on the birth certificate they have legal rights. Being that Maxie was willing to give up the child Lulu and Dante might have a chance at custody.

I am personally going to be on team Lante for this.

As for Robin? I have never been that interested in her. Maybe 90s Robin who was awesome. This judgement/self righteous incarnation of the past 7 years? No. I haven't really cared about any of that stuff about Sabrina and Patrick and so it was more of a meh to seeing her back. I know she has her fans but unless it's 1996 again I'm not interested. It was great to see Jerry Jacks. He's one of my favorite villains on GH. He always has the best lines. It's great to see him.

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