Monday, December 23, 2013

Let's Try For a Positive Post

Upon looking through all of my posts, including two that have not been published (mystery!) I realized that I am quite negative. It tends to be a thing with anyone that comments about soaps. I bet any non soap people that accidentally came upon this blog thinking it was about bars of soaps, probably wonder why we even try. Lets be honest, soaps are treated as a low brow form of entertainment with a peep show in the back of some local bookstore being treated with respect. (I don't know if such a thing actually exists but I think that you get what I'm trying to say.) Anyway I decided to be most positive on this post. After this paragraph I am only going to list things that are positive about soaps now.
Days of Our Lives
Lets first start off with the fact that EJ (James Scott) and Sami (Alison Sweeney) kicked ass and took names in their scenes this week. James Scott is the Billy Miller of Days. This show is ten times better having him on this show. He is a multi Emmy winner in my mind. His emotions were so raw and powerful as he fought with Sami about her not forgiving him for knowing about Kristen and Eric. While we do know that he knew about the drugging but is keeping it secret, it's no less awesome because of that. Ali Sweeney is also great. This woman has been on this show for 20 years! It shows. When she goes for a scene, she goes for it. The chemistry between these two is undeniable. They are just awesome and I loved watching them on the 11th.

WilSon is just as adorable as usual. I love them together and they continue to make me smile. I love that Days is actually letting them be together and happy and treating them like a couple. I think it's cute that Will thinks that Sami, Kate and Gabi are planning a surprise party together. It's cute that Sonny is going to be his "spy."

I know I should be pissed about Theresa and her blackmail. I have hated the character before. I'm going to be positive here and say that I am thinking differently about her. There are certainly characters on soaps that are all kinds of horrible but that's the point. You can't have all nice characters on soaps all of the time. That's boring. Characters can't be happy all of the time. It's very rare for that to be entertaining. Otalia is the only couple I have ever seen that made going through the motions of normalcy entertaining. Then again Crystal Chappell is that good of an actress. Jessica Leccia isn't that bad either.

I actually loved her blackmail scenes with JJ. They were entertaining and funny. I loved that she wanted him to buy her pot. She wanted to make Jennifer pay. I even saw her point. Jennifer really shouldn't have had a say in Theresa going back to California or not. So I'm not at all upset about Theresa wanting revenge. Like her I appreciate the irony of what Daniel is doing. I'm going to think of Theresa as a bad girl. When she first came on I thought of her as someone who was trying to be good. It's obvious that she doesn't want to do that. So I'm interpreting her as a bad girl.

The mysteriousness of Jordan is great. I love a little mystery in a character. Whether she's Kate's daughter or not I can't wait to find out what she's all about. With the three different identities I'm sure it's good.
Bold and Beautiful
I have been keeping up on B&B which is positive in itself. I have always thought of it as too campy for my tastes. To be honest soaps can be campy at times. Bold and Beautiful thrives on it. While I don't like every storyline I'll put in what I like along with characters who are awesome.

I have always been a fan of a show that doesn't concentrate on just 2-3 characters. Minor characters can be just as great. In the dark days of Bob Guza on GH he did do great with minor characters. Rob Carlivati is continuing with that tradition. Enough about GH. On B&B we have some nice minor characters. My favorite is Pam and Charlie. They are just too cute! I love how they bonded over baking and their scenes before the wedding about Charlie's expertise of Words with Friends? Just awesome. I also love Carter. He seems like the kind of guy who would be the life of the party. The kind of guy who can have fun with and be yourself with.

Wyatt is also great. I like that he is a stand up guy. He could have caused trouble at the wedding. Then again his mother tends to be person. He is emotionally mature enough to know when it's time to end things. I would love to see him get together with someone who can be with him fully and not use him for revenge. It's great to see that there is at least one great guy in Los Angeles.

Eric Forrester is also awesome. He's a playa! He's got two beautiful women that are old enough to be his daughter pursuing him. How does he do it? Can he give me tips? Sure Quinn is crazy and I'm rooting for Donna but that's besides the point. He's great.

I love that Caroline mentions her mothers. I know that her wedding to Rick was supposed to actually be a bigger affair except that Joanna Johnson was not available due to her role on that awesome TV show The Fosters. Her mentioning them and their disappointment etc. was fine for me. Lets hope that at least Crystal Chappell makes an appearance soon as Dani to make up for it.

While Bill and Liam can be both deplorable as characters I love the humor these characters can bring to the show. The stallion video that Bill was sending Brooke was hilarious. Liam having to help him make it was funny. Scott Clifton can bring humor into Liam. I love the little quirky moments that he can have. I love little aspects of characters that make them more human.

Lastly I have to bring up Thorsten Kaye. He is bringing his A game, which he always does, as Ridge. It's still weird to call him Ridge and not Zach but I love it. Thorsten is brilliant. My mother, who has never watched AMC or anything else he was on, loves him. I can't wait to see him go against Bill. Are we going to see RJ soon? Does he get to go out of his closet or boarding school or wherever he's been since 2007? Personally I would love to see Adam Gregory come back as Thomas and RJ get sorased as a teen. I would love to see some sort of rivalry or interaction. Maybe RJ is gay? Maybe bi? Maybe the brothers work together on something such as getting back in power at Forrester?

Lastly I am totally crushing on Jacqueline MacInnes Woods as Steffy. I love how she's vulnerable and confident. I also love that Steffy did the honorable thing and stepped away. Then again there are better guys for her. Yeah she's also quite easy on the eyes. She has a great career ahead and I wish her all of the luck.
Young and Restless
Y&R is hard to find something positive about because most of the stuff on this show is just horrible. I'm going to try.

Billy Miller is still doing brilliantly as Billy. He is always good at whatever he is given. It's still refreshing to see him still mourning his daughter. Usually in soaps it's forgotten. He's supposed to move on. That's not how grief works. It's great to see him truly acting like someone who lost a child. I also love how Amelia Heinle is getting to act. I think that she's doing great herself. She generally doesn't get much great material anyway. She is certainly kicking it out of the park.

Melody Thomas Scott is also doing great. She's awesome and shows what 30+ years on a soap opera does to your skills. I have always felt that she has been very underrated as an actress. I don't even think that she has won a Daytime Emmy. She's a winner in my books. She is the one good thing about this storyline.
General Hospital
Spinelli is leaving/is gone. That's a very positive thing. Also Dr. Liesl Olbrecht is freaking awesome. She is my favorite character on that show right now. Kathleen Gati is comedy gold. I'm not going to deny that I have a little crush on her. Also Lucas is coming back and played by one of his adult portrayers. Ryan Carnes is not the first adult/teen portrayer but he was on when I was in my late teens so yay.

I think I was pretty positive in this post. Maybe I could make this a thing.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Sophie gets a love interest! (Guess what? She's not boring!)

I'm just posting like a storm now!

I haven't posted much about Coronation Street. The truth is that I am behind. May counts as behind right? I was at first trying to read the Coronation Street blog which is awesome. Of course they post so much that I haven't been able to watch. I really wanted to see their comments about Stella and her crap with the rebuilding of The Rovers. That is mostly due to the fact that Stella is the Dylan McAvoy of Coronation Street. The only reason that Stella even exists as a character is because the actress who plays her is friends with the executive producer who was there when she was hired. So mostly like Dylan, Stella only exists because of nepotism. In many ways I finds this funny as it's good to see that it's not just an American thing to have a douchebag executive producer who hires his/her friends and screws over the show and its history because he/she can.

Anyway the main reason that I watch Coronation Street is because of Sophie Webster. I am a lesbian so any show with a gay woman in it is great. Even when Sophie gets into her bratty modes, I personally believe that Brooke Vincent brings in an authentic portrayal. She acts like a real teen and not some idealistic or sensationalist kind of teen that you see today. She acts like a kid with real kid issues. I also love that she's a Christian. I think she's one of the few gay Christians on TV today. Most are athiest or from some new age type of religion. You don't see the LGBTQIA community outside of stereotypes much today. Religion is something that they tend to ignore. I'm assuming they think it will piss off the homophobes even more than they are by seeing someone who is gay on TV. So it's great.

Her love story with Sian was awesome. It's on youtube. The whole thing is actually. This is quite rare for a couple but Sian's first appearance to her last is on there. I saw it and it was great. People were quite dedicated to showing every beat, even before they kissed. I would check it out if you are curious. So those that would like a little inkling of what that was all about, here's a music video to introduce anyone who hasn't seen them.

Sophie and Sian ended when Sian's portrayed Sasha Parkinson decided to leave for greener pastures. They ended in late December 2011. Sophie did almost nothing for most of 2012 until the end when she got hit by a car. Then she got a new love interest by the name of Jenna Kamara who is the lost lost daughter of Lloyd Mullaney. They got to together and there was probably no chemistry at all. I'm surprised that they lasted so long. As I have not seen since May I'm not sure what the circumstances of them breaking up is about.

Here's a clip of them kissing from earlier this year.
I think I almost fell asleep after watching that. I just yawned too. There was never any chemistry between them from what I could see. Jenna was 10 years older than her which isn't 100% a deterrent but was with how it was played.

Now Sophie's got a new love interest. She looked to be about her age and adorable. I'm thinking about watching a whole bunch of Corrie or just skip it for now and get to the good stuff. Either way it looks promising.

You can check out a picture preview here. I would certainly skip Days for this. Then again Coronation Street is the show that makes someone taking their driving test very interesting. So yay.

Sometimes reading the synopsis is better

It really is.

I have gotten to watching "old" episodes of Y&R. I haven't done that much even though I have a whole bunch of episodes that go back to July. With less than 25% of space left I realized that I should get to actually watching them and deleting the ones that I have watched.

I wanted to get to the episode where Dylan finds out the truth. Of course I actually went to a week before that. I'm that awesome after all. *sarcasm*

So within the couple of episodes that I watched I have found out how annoying Nick is. I knew he was a douche before watching the episodes, but now I really know it. In the Friday and Monday episodes I found out that Nick is pretty much a seven year old boy trapped in a grown man's body.

It was quite embarrassing to see him throw a temper tantrum every time he saw Dylan or at least give him that icy stare of his. The most hilarious one was when he went to Crimson Lights with Sharon and the demon child and was pissed that Dylan was there. It's kind of weird that Dylan was there anyway. It's not like he owns the coffee shop or anything.

Oh wait a minute he does!

Then it got more hilarious when Dylan did the horrible thing of wanting to make a dollhouse for the demon child. He went to Sharon who was nice (asldweriuodsfjgkldsg WTF DID I JUST TYPE!) enough to give a donation in the name of his fallen friend Sully. (At least that how I think it's spelled.) He wanted to pay it forward except that his paying it forward meant giving a toy to that demon child. That's another story altogether. What was funny was Nick's reaction. Ignoring the fact that the walls at that house are apparently too thick for demon child to hear, wtf?! Nick literally had a temper tantrum over the fact that someone wanted to make his "daughter" a dollhouse.

It was a temper tantrum that showed how spoiled, privileged, and entitled Nick really was. It was HIS family, HIS coffee shop, HIS town that Dylan came in. Dylan did not have any reason to be there. Nick apparently gets to say who comes and goes in GC. Just Nick.

Nick is certainly all of these things and passed them down to his other daughter Summer who I dislike just as much. To be honest none of his children are on my awesome list. Noah is annoying and useless. Him being in any part of Newman that isn't the mailroom is laughable.

I will say this. I know that Steve Burton, is only on Y&R because the executive producer is his friend. I know that this is being written so that Nick is the bad guy and Dylan is the good guy. Unlike Jason Morgan I can like Dylan McAvoy. He doesn't kill people for a living which is a plus. It was pretty awesome how he doesn't even go down to Nick's level. He literally shoves off Nick's childish antics. It's badass to me. It makes Nick seem even worse. As someone who has not liked Nick since his affair with Phyllis, it's great to see him being written as the spoiled brat he has been since 2005.

Yes Faith Newman is now to be called demon child on this blog.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

I appreciate the irony Summer Newman

I really do.

Yesterday I made a post about my opinions about the soaps and their November Sweeps activities. I realized that I forgot to mention one.

Summer was bullied!


It really is. /end of sarcasm

Apparently Summer who is a model even though she has no experience and isn't really tall. That's nepotism for you! I guess it's the eyes. I can't deny that she has pretty eyes. No. Just no.

The photographer was making her work long hours in the cold. I think she was even shivering. He was mean to her. She didn't want to say anything because she didn't want to pull rank. Sharon *lol* walked into the park and found out what was happening and stopped it. The evil photographer was stopped. I guess there were other models too. Summer was the important one.

The guy was fired and probably blackballed. I'm not saying that it was okay that this guy did this. I did feel sorry for Summer. What got me all sarcastic and all was the comment that someone made in a recent episode. It was either Neil or Jack. They called the guy a bully and said that he was fired.

I wanted to laugh. Summer was bullied! Summer that girl that cruelly and maliciously bullied a poor teen boy from a bad home and never paid for it. A boy who she targeted because Ronan Malloy was mentoring him. A boy who didn't do a thing to this spoiled brat. Karma's a bitch isn't it?

I know that I should probably get past this. My issue is simple. If you have someone do something horrible, have them pay for it. In soaps it's usually not by going to prison though Fen is certainly doing that. Even if it's not for what he did to Jaime, he has been punished above and beyond. Punishment on soaps is usually some form of ostracizing. Adam is a great example. Though he has served time in prison, it was minimal and was all about the fake diary. All of the horrible things that he did which were worst in that have not included jail time. Instead we get more of a psychological punishment such as no relationship and respect with 95% of the town. Sharon has also dealt with that too.

Summer has none of that. There is no punishment. A boy was willing to attempt to kill himself twice due to Summer and Fen and yet Summer has never paid. Some might make the case for this who is her father thing with her thinking her whole life is a lie. I am of course from the school of the Abbotts are way better of a family than the Newman's. Less dysfunctional and more loving. Pretty much their patriarch is not a sociopath.

For me I want to see her actually face the music. Very few know about what she did. I would like to see it exposed and see some shunning. I want to see her truly pay for what she did. None of this pity for poor tortured Summer. All she got was a lecture from Nick. I doubt she has been taking part in the community service that Nick asked her to do. Nope his "punishment" has been having everyone worship the ground she walks on, feel sorry for her, fight to be in her life, talk about her all of the time, start feuds over her and be a model. It sounds like she's been punished pretty badly huh?

Saturday, December 7, 2013

I'm Back!

It's been over a month. I think more like a month and a half since I last posted. I made a deal with myself that if I did this blog I would not neglect it. Look at what I did! I could consider that a New Years Resolution: to keep blogging. There is always something to bitch about in soaps so I shouldn't have to worry about not having any content.

My only excuse is that NaNoWriMo was intense. Writing a novel in a month is not easy. I kept procrastinating on this blog so of course I forgot about it. After NaNoWriMo was done I kept procrastinating. Now I'm hoping that I can keep up on this blog as I don't want to stop posting. It's fun to bitch about soaps!

November was a massive month for soaps. I mostly watched Days but know that some stuff went down on GH and Y&R. So here is my take on it.
Days of Our Lives
The main thing that went down was of course the exposing of the video that Kristen taped of her raping Father Eric. I was happy at first because it was finally out. I had no idea that the show was going to take it in the direction that they did. This became a true umbrella story that affected most on the canvas. It wasn't the typical "I'm related to those that were hurt" effected either. It was the directly effected, effected. I was mad at first to see Brady punching Eric and not believing that he was raped. I was pissed that EJ, who knew that Kristen had drugged him was defending Kristen and thinking that it was consensual.

I was really pissed that Kristen did not pay for what she did. The damage that she did, especially to Eric was more messed up than I thought. She had it edited so perfectly that it looked consensual. That's wasn't a roofie that he was given after all. Kristen should be in jail but for some reason, she wasn't. Even though Eileen Davidson was leaving so it wasn't like she was going to be onscreen anymore. Of course soap operas hate sending people to jail for crimes that they committed. Really.

It was great (Well not for the characters!) to see the effect this had.

Here is a list of people directly effected by the revelation of the video and how they were effected.

-Marlena has lost her relationship with her son.
-Maggie wants to leave Victor.
-Eric is temporarily suspended.
-Nicole is on the outs with Eric because of his cruelty towards thinking she was the rapist.
-Jennifer feels partly responsible because she knew Kristen had slept with someone.
-Sami can't forgive EJ for knowing about this prior to the revelation.
-Dimera Enterprises is in deep trouble and EJ is the only one to fix it.

That's just what I can think about now.

If there was one thing that was annoying and badly done it's the mess with Daniel and Theresa. What the hell was that? It seems that if there is one thing this show can do well it's plot centric characters. Lets have a character act unlike themselves for a storyline. We had Eric doing it with accusing Nicole of raping him. Now we have Jennifer thinking that Daniel is Satan for apparently sleeping with Theresa who ODed. It was obvious that Theresa wanted him over and only called to make JJ jealous. Now she is willing to forget everything she knew about him and assume he was going to have a drug party with her. We've seen the way she mistreated him for JJ who was pretty much acting like a romantic rival. Not only that but the self righteous Abby is doing it too. I really wish that Jennifer would shut the hell up. She is way beyond annoying.

What makes it worse for Jennifer is that all of this time that she is vilifying Daniel, he is selflessly protecting JJ. JJ should be in jail for being around drugs but Daniel is protecting him. I will say that this seemed to be what JJ needed. He seems to be acting less like a punk and more like a human being. He even plays guitar! Of course no one is questioning what brought about this change. Jennifer is being portrayed as quite daft anyone so I'm not surprised. She certainly isn't getting mother of the year is she!

I am assuming that Theresa will remember around February and the truth will come out. I cannot wait to see the look of Jennifer's face. The groveling she will do! I hope that he is with someone else by then such as Nicole who is my favorite character besides my WilSon is a great contender.

Talking about WilSon, they got a love scene! I am biased as I'm a lesbian so any gay couple is my favorite. They are the best. We got to see Gabi at her worst in the last couple of weeks. So she gets a fantasy modeling offer and never questions it. She decides, without asking Will who is the baby's father, that she is going to go and take Ari. Yes that's right while she is taking part in 10 hour photoshoots or whatever she wants the baby to stay with some stranger away from her whole family.

Though as a feminist of a sort I do believe in the ideas of having children and having a career at the same time, this was messed up. I was conflicted because I like that Gabi was going to be able to support herself and Ari. She is not a single mother and cannot make unilateral decisions. She should have told Will the second she found out. She should have understood that Ari needs to have consistency with a schedule and with people that she has bonded with. Not to get all psychological on y'all but Ari is at an important stage in her development. The bonds that she makes now are important. If she loses contact with people she's attached with it can cause mistrust with her during the rest of her life. Keeping her in Salem is the best choice. When you become a mother it's not a part time thing. The needs of the baby are very important.

I also am annoyed at the fact that Will had no way to stop her and was planning to leave Salem and possibly Sonny to be near his daughter. You are telling me that it's not kidnapping? Don't give me that we don't have a custody agreement crap. She had no right to travel with Ari beyond state lines without Will's permission. I don't think that the judge would have supported Gabi's position especially if they found out that Ari was going to be exploited by the modeling agency. I also feel that it would have failed if it was revealed that Sami was giving her a modeling job in Salem. The comment about how it would have been kidnapping if Will had taken Ari? I had to laugh at the hypocrisy!

Obviously I have thought a lot about this.

Of course she never went because she found out that creepy Nick set the whole mofo up. She was pissed so stupidly went into the woods. Nick tried to rape her (Even though he was the victim of rape himself and that is the reason that we are supposed to forget what he did to Will and Sonny for almost a year.) and she killed him. Of course then it got a little funny.

Obviously I'm not sad that Nick is gone. They ruined his character with the homophobic in my opinion. Even though I would have possibly forgiven him a year or two down the line they decided to make him remorseful for about two weeks before he became all obsessed with Gabi. Of course she did lead him on but still he was a sociopath so her looking at him twice would have made him think they were getting a second chance.

Kate and Sami arrived at the scene and it got awesome. Pretty much they had great one liners. I loved the lack of respect they had for Nick because it's exactly how it felt. I do wish that they had gone to the police. Though with Hope and her biased behavior I'm sure she would have destroyed Gabi.

There are two more things I want to discuss in regards to Days of Our Lives.

First how hypocritical is Hope? She talks about how pure evil Kristen is and yet she gives Nick a free pass? It's because she loves him. I really hope that she doesn't give EJ hell for protecting Kristen. That will put me over the edge. I don't think she has any room to judge or make one of those "they're Dimera's" comments. Lets be Honest, Nick acts more like a stereotypical Dimera than a Horton.

Second, I knew that Nick was creepy but that virus he put on Kate's computer? That sent it to a whole other level that I need to cap it.
Thank you for giving me nightmares for weeks Nick!
That was just messed up!
General Hospital
I really can't say much for General Hospital because I don't watch it anymore. This was about the custody of little Connie and of course Robin returning. I know there was some stuff with people running about the tunnels of Windermere and Robin being reunited with her parents especially his mother Anna. I didn't see it. I did see her reunited with Patrick and Emma so yay for that.

It was awesome and I loved how Emma ran up to her mommy and gave her a big hug. If you forget the histrionics of 13 going on 30 Sabrina, it was awesome. Actually I think most people blocked that out. I know that I should feel sorry for Sabrina but I don't.

There are several reasons why...

She was never really a legitimate contender for Patrick's heart. Having Liz in that place would have been better and more soapy. After all Robin did want them together if she died when she had the HIV scare back in late 2011 and early 2012. It would have been interesting if Liz actually fell in love with Patrick. Whether they went with Patrick falling for her or not it would have been great.

Instead they added a newbie who acted more like a 14 year old girl with a school crush. She was great as a babysitter but not much else. I laughed when they actually set it up like that last Spring. She was always treated like a girl with a crush on her English teacher. So when they got together I was shocked. The whole the glasses got to go thing made me laugh too as her transformation at the Nurse's Ball was stupid. She looked even more like a fairytale princess. What in the hell were they thinking?

Lastly there were signs that Patrick was still in love with Robin. She had to tell him to take off his wedding ring. Patrick still talks about her. From what I got from comments of videos that I've seen most of their conversations were about Robin. The only thing she had going for her was that Robin was dead.

I hate to say it but I found them to be very boring. The only thing that made them interesting was when Britt was doing bad things to her. Once she was out of the picture and with a real Prince, it go bad. Yay for Scrubs.

The custody thing also came to its conclusion. I didn't watch it but know about what happened from reading the good old soap opera digest. So I know that Spinelli has custody and Maxie can't have any contact with Connie for six months.

I am not happy about this. Spinelli as a father? That's laughable. Not only is there the fact that he worked for Sonny and Jason for years and probably still does but that he knew that Sonny and Jason were going to kill Dante in January of 2010 and did nothing. Yes I hold grudges that long. Yes I know it's only a soap opera but yeah I hate him. I know they had tried to make him less of a caricature, especially in his relationship with Ellie but I just don't see him as a father.

I feel bad for Dante and Lulu whose marriage is certainly not faring well. Lulu really lost it as she bonded with the baby and thought of it as hers. I think it's cruel what Spinelli and Maxie did to them. Maxie especially as I feel that she is not mature enough to be a mother. The way she treated the child as a thing to be given away like a piece of property pissed me off. After she knew that they had bonded she wanted to rip the baby away from Dante and Lulu. I know that Ben is supposed to be theirs but I'm still pissed. I really don't think that biology means that you have rights as anyone can get pregnant. It doesn't mean that you can take care of the baby the same way that someone who has no biological ties can. Yeah this sucks a lot.
Young and Restless 
Like General Hospital I don't know much of what happened. Fen was almost raped in prison? What is the obsession with rape on soaps recently? I do feel bad for the kid. He has paid times a million for bullying Jaime. I hope he can get to a better place. By that I mean out of jail and not raped. I did see parts of an episode last week where a bunch of them wanted to beat him up because his father sent these guys to prison. I want to laugh when prisoners want to attack the DA or his kid because they got caught committing crimes. Here's a strange idea: Don't commit crimes. It's that simple. I think that they are calling him mouse. What's that about. I have a feeling that the guy protecting Fen might be grooming him to be some sort of bitch for him. Maybe Michael paid him off? I don't know. I do know that Fen is quite rangy. (That's my word of the post!) He has some long arms and legs.

Billy is still effected by his daughter's death. So it isn't like Delia is going to be easily forgotten which is what I thought was going to happen. I had low hopes for this storyline being good. I will say that from what I saw I'm loving it. Of course we are talking about Billy Miller. He can ran circles around supposed A listers in Hollywood. With him being let go or he left, whatever the heck happened, I know that he is going to kick ass in Hollywood. If he isn't the newest star then Hollywood really does suck.

He is going to be replaced with original adult Billy, David Tom. I'm not sure what I think about this. Sure it's cool for nostalgia purposes. I remember the Glow by Jabot stuff from when I was 15 with Mac and Brittany and Raul and that other chick that went to Days of Our Lives as a bio-engineered twin or something.  He is not Billy Miller. So I don't know if Tom will be able to do justice but I'll just wait and see and actually watch Y&R on a regular basis. That's what DVR is about!

It's good to see that he is actually effected by this. His marriage is suffering. He's going to support meetings with Annie Dutton (Guiding Light represent!) and has a gun. I'm assuming that he's going to shoot Adam when the truth comes out. Adam really needs to go to a safehouse every spring because this will be the second year in a row that he's been shot during that time if this happens.

Of yeah there was the Dylan thing. The truth about Nikki being his mother came out. Of course it was in the worst way. Nick is being a dumbass of course. I really am sick of him and his self righteousness. He's the victim after all and Dylan is evil. Remember that mature conversation that he had with Avery which is documented with pictures on this blog? Apparently that never happened because he is acting like some serious prick. It was all about him. How about you serve valiantly in Afghanistan and then we can talk Nick. I do feel for Dylan especially as he finds out that he didn't know his mother at all. I do agree that people need to be considerate towards the fact that he is mourning the death of his beloved mother's memory. She is not the person he thought she was. They shouldn't think that he owes Nikki a relationship. I do think that this should take some time. I would like to see them forge a relationship down the line in a few months. Not now or tomorrow.

Victor is a douche. I think that we always knew it. Maybe I should feel for him because Nikki didn't tell him. Still he's a douche. It wouldn't be Victor if he wasn't a douche.
Bold and Beautiful
I have never commented about this show but since my favorite actor Thorsten Kaye is coming to Los Angeles, I thought I would make a few comments.

Yay for Crystal Chappell and Joanna Johnson. I'm glad to see lesbians on a traditional soap opera. I know that is what web soaps that Chappell is on is all about but yay. I love that Johnson is out too even if her behind the scenes role on the awesome show that is The Fosters, makes her appearances on B&B sporadic at most.

Hope is cursed to forever have men fighting over her or to be in a love triangle of some sort. Now we have Wyatt. In my opinion I would tell Liam to go to hell. He doesn't get a right to go after her after what he has put her through. What the heck! Somehow after the way he has treated her in the past, she still wants to be with him! Personally I'm on team Wyatt but don't know if I can stomach this going on further. Having Ally have a crush on this idiot. What the hell!

Quinn is apparently trying to tie with Nick Fallon as creepy soap opera character. She likes Eric who is old enough to be her father. Then again this is the soap that had him have two kids with Brooke so...yeah. Of course Donna is in the way. Remember when they were together back in 2007? Remember how she called him honey bear? That was pure camp. This is what this show is about. Not the most serious of soaps I must say.

I did have to post Quinn looking creepy since I did it with Nick. I'm an equal opportunity poster of all things creepy on soap operas!
I am certainly not Lois Cerullo!
Thorsten Kaye is coming to B&B. Watch as a squeal like a little girl! Yay! Of course I need one cap of that!
I am NOT Zach Slater!
I will admit that it's going to feel weird. Ridge has an European accent. Is it German? Ridge looks just like Zach Slater. I'm curious as to how he is going to play this. Is he going to be more Ian like? Literally they have him dressed and looking like Zach Slater so it's going to be weird. I'm going to expect Alicia Minshew to walk in and ask what he was doing with Pilar Santos. (I'm a little too much of a Guiding Light fan.)

Sunday, October 27, 2013

I Do NaNoWriMo

I do NaNoWriMo. I don't just bitch about soaps all the time! I would like to think of myself as some sort of writer. Don't we all? I guess that's why I get upset when soaps are crappy like killing a 7 year-old or raping a priest crappy. I've been doing it since 2005 but only really have finished it since 2011. That's probably bad. Yeah it probably is. I'm going to do it because it's fun and because writing is fun.

Also this is an awesome blog post: Click on me because I'm awesome! For those that also take part in this other November holiday event or are just writers in general. I will certainly be using it this coming month.

I guess I shouldn't be pissed at soap opera writers. After all it's a business and the idea of creative control is laughable especially when your executive producer is Jill Farren Phelps. Watch as I either make it a three-peat or a crap fest of epic proportions.

Also does Catherine Bell ever age? I was watching that Good Witch movie marathon on Hallmark Channel and she's smoking.
I also remember the main guy (Chris Potter) from somewhere. As I watch a soap opera it means that I know a lot of actors. Usually I can remember what show they are on. This generally annoys people that I watch any sort of TV with. He was on the fantastic Queer as Folk as the "old" guy Michael dates on the first season. He was also on Y&R as a con man that I barely remember. For Queer as Folk fans Horvath is in this series too!

Days of Our Whatthehellisthiscrap?

It's been a week (I think?) since I have last posted. I have been watching Days of Our Lives though I'm at Thursday's episode where Theresa is trying to give J.J. a date rape drug. (I seriously cannot make this crap up. Someone actually gets paid to do so.) Of course it's okay because she's going to take it too! *sarcasm*

I haven't been watching the Young and Restless since Friday the 11th. For some odd reason the idea of watching Delia die and Adam get vilified is not awesome. I know we will get the standout performances from such powerhouses as Billy Miller, Elizabeth Hendrickson, Jess Walton, Peter Bergman along with Eileen Davidson and Beth Maitland. I don't think that it's really worth it for an Emmy win if about 2 people are left watching the show. I honestly cannot watch it anymore. The scenes are just too horrible to find entertaining. It was bad enough when Jill Farren Phelps did this with Jake on GH. Now it just sucks especially since from what I know they are going to make Adam the killer. So now and forever Adam will be known as a child killer. This was done with Luke during the Jake storyline. While it has mostly been whitewashed with the character it is still a dark spot no matter how much they try to downplay it. Now for years to come we will have to listen to Nick and Victoria among others vilify Adam. I just cannot do it. So obviously there will no longer be a State of Genoa City post.

Days of Our Lives does have its horrible moments. Who actually didn't want to punch their screens at the sight of Eric tearing down Nicole for believing she had raped him? It was horrible. Not as bad as killing a kid mind you but still bad. What's up with Sony and their soaps? I'm still going to tug along with Days if only for WilSon and the fact that I know that the truth about this is going to come out and its going to be epic!

I just hated that we had to see Eric acting very unlike a priest in his venom over Nicole. Even if he was right and Nicole did it, Eric went too far in what he said. First of all it was in a church. Second of all he pretty much said that Nicole was pure evil. Where is this forgiveness that he's supposed to have? I really lost all respect with him at that moment. To be honest I am not going to feel sorry for him when he finds out the truth and how wrong he was. Nicole did the rare thing of laying out her heart and it was quickly stomped by Eric.

Then there was Brady. The character is generally written dumb or really too horny for his own good. He decides he wants to marry a woman after two dates! He falls too easily in love. Then when he does he's generally dumb especially when it comes to Kristen. How he didn't know Kristen was playing him the first time is anyone's guess. He knew about her history from day one! I guess the sex was that great? That's mostly all this "relationship" has been about. I understand a family is not always correct about who a person chooses to love. Dr. Phil shows that. Seriously that show shows it. I would be on Brady's side if it had to do with ethnicity or sexual orientation i.e. something that his mate cannot change. It's something else when it comes to pasts, very cruel pasts and your family was victimized by this person. It's why I had never been a shipper of Adam and Sharon. When the character truly learns from their past and changes then I am ok. That's not the story with Kristen. John and Marlena were correct in being suspicious. Kristen soon showed her true colors. While she gets some points for finally falling in love with Brady for real, her actions after Brady dumped her show that she has never changed.

Brady's cruelty towards Nicole for pointing out those facts show that she is way better than this idiot. His coldness along with calling her a bitch have led me to have little respect for this character. Like Eric I am not going to feel at all sorry when the truth comes out.

I know this is mostly plot centric sweeps crap but I still find it sad that two male characters are going to be destroyed. I hope that Nicole never forgives them or makes them grovel for a long time. The emotional hell they put her through is going to make her cold for a long time. I know that. I'm sure that she is going to self destruct in an epic way. At least she is going to less trusting, emotionless and pretty much saying go to hell to everyone. I really hope that Kristen pays dearly for this.

Lastly I wanted to discuss Abby. Wow is she deplorable. I already have a hard time relating to her. She's so perfect and great that two men were fighting over her and one is willing to spit on the memory of his dead sister for her. Her actions in regards to J.J. are just...their aren't any words to describe it. She's pretty much an enabler and threatened to cut ties with her mother for wanting to call the cops. I could go on about how pissed I am about J.J. He pretty much didn't care that he was given a free pass for his various crimes. Now he's going to have "sex" with Theresa who is all kinds of horrible. Abby felt that J.J. shouldn't go to prison. She even tried to go to Maggie. Maggie is wise enough to tell her the truth. Well Abby didn't like that and went home and saw Hope there and got pissed because she thought she was going to arrest J.J. Instead of doing the right thing for J.J. and letting him know that there are consequences for his actions all three are perfectly fine with being a pair of cowards and letting J.J. get away with whatever he wants. Abby basically sucks a lot. The fact that she is treated like the greatest character ever pisses me off a lot!

State of Genoa City 10/7-10/11/13

Main Events

-Michael continued to claim that he killed Carmine even when Paul found the bullet in the wall.
-Fen has a complete blackout from the night Carmine was killed.
-Nikki found out that her son was alive and believed it was Dylan.
-Victor had a problem with Dylan.
-Tyler and Abby discussed their feelings.
-Phyllis squeezed Jack's hand but it ended up being involuntary.
-Sharon almost admitted what she did but doubled back and instead admitted her feelings.
-Nick let Sharon down gently.
-A DNA test proved that Adam was Connor's son.
-Adam and Chelsea found out that Connor will go blind unless he gets a cornea transplant very soon.
-Delia had her school play.
-After the play Kevin and Chloe have a date by watching Pretty in Pink at a theater.
-When Billy goes to get ice cream for a surprise party for Delia, Delia is left in the car, Dash runs off and she goes after him.
-Adam almost hits Dash and might have hit Delia.
-Billy finds Delia and called 911 but it doesn't look good.
-Billy has a dream about what Delia's life is going to be like.

Start reading more after the jump.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Is Chad going to die?

Like most Days fans I was at the edge of my computer chair, seat, couch, bed or whatever you sit or lie on this past week. Was Chad going to die? The end of Monday's episode certainly didn't help.

Luckily I watched in on Friday so I luckily only had to wait five seconds for the next show to come up on hulu. Yay! So I didn't have to go through a mental breakdown in waiting 24 hours to find out if he lived. That is certainly an advantage to having weekend marathons.

We did see some almost laughable medical work there. Cameron was all upset because one of the anticoagulants was dangerous to Chad due to him taking some drug for the brain tumor that Chad actually doesn't have. Luckily E.J. was there to explain.

The actor playing him basically doesn't know how to show emotions. In a soap opera that is key. Him pissed is like most people finding out that they are out of paper towels. Of course the poor kid is acting alongside a powerhouse like James Scott so maybe I should give him a pass.

What is even more laughable is that he decided to keep the secret. Wha?! I guess it would make Abigail very upset. She's so weak that she can't handle anything? I guess this is epic but yeah I laughed. Then after Chad woke up he did explain why he did it. Apparently what he did wasn't that big of a deal because Chad had gone out on a date with Abigail and kiss her. So faking a brain tumor that your sister died from is a completely legitimate thing to do.

Everyone else was awesome. Kristen was pissed at Sami because she didn't call her. I know I should be pissed but after volunteer girl explained that that is what families are like during situations like this, I understood. Kristen was scared and angry and lashing out. Sami did have some valid points about Stefano being the one to blame. After all it was his ego that caused this mess in the first place.

Joseph Mascolo was great in this hospital chapel scenes. I loved it! He finally said things that many people have been waiting 30 years for him to say. Will he change? I think it might try it for a month but something will happen to make him resort to his old ways. That's what E.J. does. Still Mr. Mascolo played his heart out in those scenes. He doesn't get to show how great of an actor he is at all so it's great to see it.

I kind of laughed at how Chad recovered so quickly from something that pretty much killed him for ten minutes. He was dead until Daniel did his thing! Are we supposed to think that he would be fine. It took me a month to recover from a hernia operation a few years ago and those are routine! Abby was even resting her head on his chest. He should pretty much be dead because of that!

Is Chad going to die? We know his portrayer has already left. So it's looking like he might leave town in disgrace after Abby finds out about his fake brain tumor.

I thought that I would end with a video. This is from 2011 during the last Dimera/Kiriakis war. This was the last time he was shot and he certainly acted like it was in pain this time. Of course he was shot in the arm and that probably doesn't feel very good. It was also an excuse for Casey Deidrick not to have a shirt on. Also it's a link because the video thing to embed this was an ass and the video would not show up. So yeah it's a link that opens in a new window. I don't think that the straight, bi and gay men will have a probably with that. You know the 3 people that might look at this blog.
Chad is Shot 8/15/11

State of Salem 10/7-10/11/13

Main Events

-J.J. found out about the rape and vandalized Horton Square.
-Marge had it out with Sami and E.J.
-Gabi ended things with Nick.
-Eric agreed to marry Kristen and Brady.
-Kristen hired someone to steal the flash drive.
-After the thug couldn't get the flash drive, Parker found it in the park.
-"Evidence" seemed to prove to Eric that Nicole was the one that drugged him!
-Cameron looked to have proof that Chad was lying but E.J. saved the day.
-Rafe and Stefano had words.
-Marge arrived at Sami and E.J.'s engagement party and started shooting.

Commentary after the lovely jump.

Really Busy

When I started this blog I had wanted to have a venue to express my opinions. The "State of..." posts for both Days and Y&R have been more intense than I realized. It's not the words as much as the pictures. I am shocked at the amount of time it really takes. So therefore I'm going to have the state of posts be monthly. I will post the Days one with one picture, the what's up next week picture and the Y&R one as soon as possible as I was in the process of doing the picture. This will also allow me to do some more posts that are smaller in nature.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

State of Salem 9/30-10/4/13

Main Events
-Will, Gabi and Sonny cleared the air about recent events.
-Nick continued to be creepy.
-Gabi was about the tell Nick that they were over.
-Rafe got Jordan to lower her guard a little.
-E.J. and Rafe had words.
-Sami was not happy about the deal E.J. made with Stefano.
-Will was not happy about his mother's current living situation.
-Eric remembered nothing.
-Nicole decided to take the job and quit being Eric's secretary.
-Kristen found out that she no longer had hold of the incriminating flash drive.
-Justin and Adrienne made up.
-Marge was in denial about her husband.
-Abigail was jealous of Cameron and Gabi.
-Anne and Theresa schemed against Jennifer.
-J.J. found out that there was something bad about his father's past.
-J.J. attempted to find out the truth from Adrienne.

What do I think about this week? Click on read more for...well...more.

Monday, October 14, 2013

State of Genoa City 9/30-10/4/13

Main Events

-Nick and Dylan get into a fight.
-Avery and Nick had an encounter in the park that basically sucked.
-Sharon wasn't happy with how slow things were going.
-Hilary and Neil had an honest conversation before she attempted to trick him into drinking again.
-Devon attempted to pay off Hilary but to no avail.
-Nick wasn't happy with Noah working for Victor.
-Cane decided to quit as CEO of Chancellor.
-Chelsea and Victor had it out.
-Nikki defended Chelsea which caused a fight between her and Victor.
-Stitch started his first day of work at the hospital where he met Nikki.
-Paul found out that Nikki's baby is alive, is a war vet and currently lives in Genoa City.
-The businesswoman of the year awards ends with Carmine's death and Michael taking the fall.

Commentary starts after the jump!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

General Hospital Musings

The big stories on General Hospital involve Robin coming back and the truth about baby Connie/Georgie.
The baby thing was something I have been looking forward to for a while. I think everyone has. Maybe you haven't? What makes this awesome is that it's been a secret that has lasted for almost a year. I think I can honestly say that people knew something was going to go down with the whole surrogacy thing back when Maxie first said she would be the surrogate. Surrogate storylines are starting to become a staple of soaps and for good reason. It adds an extra dimension as the woman who carries it starts to develop a bond. Both Coronation Street and The Young and the Restless have addressed this.

This became something else with Maxie having a miscarriage and then having sex with Spinelli in the same night. I'm not sure if that is even biologically possible. Actually I know it isn't. Getting pregnant, no matter how they show it on soaps is actually not easy. So the fact that that happened at all is funny. Maxie's choice to lie to Lulu and Dante and give them a child that is biologically not theirs is not awesome. I know that there are quite a few fans of the Maxie and Spinelli pairing who feel sorry for them and are even saying that Lulu and Dante are villains in this but I don't understand that. Maxie made a choice to lie. Since the child is biologically hers she would have had no obligation to stay with the surrogacy control. In fact it would be void.

I know that I should feel a little for her especially since she is making a huge "sacrifice" but she made this choice. Lulu and Dante are the ones that were completely snowed. Just imagine that you got attached and had a bond with a child watching it grow and finally seeing it as a real live person. Now because of that attachment Lulu and Dante are going to be destroyed. Since they are the legal parents on the birth certificate they have legal rights. Being that Maxie was willing to give up the child Lulu and Dante might have a chance at custody.

I am personally going to be on team Lante for this.

As for Robin? I have never been that interested in her. Maybe 90s Robin who was awesome. This judgement/self righteous incarnation of the past 7 years? No. I haven't really cared about any of that stuff about Sabrina and Patrick and so it was more of a meh to seeing her back. I know she has her fans but unless it's 1996 again I'm not interested. It was great to see Jerry Jacks. He's one of my favorite villains on GH. He always has the best lines. It's great to see him.

Monday, September 30, 2013

State of Genoa City 9/23-9/27/13

Main Events

-With the help of Paul, Nikki finds out that her son died when he was seven.
-Avery and Sharon had it out over Nick. 
-Faith continued to hate Avery.
-Nick and Victor talked about his relationship problems.
-Dylan had an unsuccessful meeting with the therapist and attempted to deal with what happened in Afghanistan and recently. 
-Avery let Chelsea have it over her deception with Dylan.
-Adam and Chelsea found out the Connor was going to go blind and it wasn't Adam's fault.
-Summer pondered leaving town.
-Summer let Avery have it over leaving Nick at the alter.
-Abby and Traci had rat problems.
-Tyler got into a situation with Traci.
-Noah decided to work for Victor.
-Victor leaves Newman and ruins for Jack and Adam to pick up.
-Victor revealed that Katherine left Chancellor to him.
-Billy got Delia a dog, making Kevin jealous.
-Neil refused to allow Cane and Lily to press charges against Hillary/Ann.
-Neil apologized to Hillary and explained how her mother died.
-Hillary had an interview with a journalist that wrote a story putting Neil in a bad light.
-Fen seemed to be getting better.
-Michael and Lauren are upset that Carmine escaped from prison.

State of Salem 9/23-9/27/13

My first weekly analysis! Yay!

Main Events

-Daniel goes on a trip to Chicago so Chloe can spend time with Parker.
-J.J. along with Rory and Bev stay at Daniel's apartment for the night and are almost caught twice.
-Daniel figures out J.J. was there and promises not to support it if he lets her talk. This talk only upsets J.J. further and ends up failing.
-Jennifer is livid for Daniel for talking to J.J. and wants nothing to do with him.
-Theresa attempts to save her job by making a deal with Jennifer..and fails!
-Anne Milbauer continued to hate Jennifer and saw through Theresa's plan to get her to give her her job.
-Though it failed Milbauer was impressed and might actually give her a job.
-Kristen almost catches Victor and Nicole scheming but nothing comes of it.
-Brady fears that Nicole has fallen off the wagon. He also questions her about her feelings for Eric for the 50 billionith time.
-Nicole gets offered a job on a TV show.
-Brady and Kristen have their pre-Cana appointment.
-Nicole has an erotic (mostly PGish) dream/fantasy about Eric.
-Eric gets hypnotized by his mother and another psychiatrist but isn't able to find out the identity of the woman. He seems to remember something in the last image of the week.
-Stefano let E.J. know that every member of his family should be living in the mansion including Chad.
-E.J. found out that Chad is faking a brain tumor so that Cameron will bow out of the love triangle.
-E.J. then uses this to blackmail Chad into living at the mansion even though he doesn't want to.
-Rafe continued to get Jordan to show some type of emotion while Kate continued to dislike her.
-Gabby and Sonny's frosty relationship continued for her blackmailing him into keeping her relationship with Nick a secret.
-Sonny brings up what she did to Melanie but Gabi explains that he legally can't say anything.
-All hell breaks lose when Will finds Gabi and Nick at the apartment.
-Will finds out that they have been sleeping together and that Sonny knew. He later confronts Sonny about it.
-Gabby realizes that it's over between herself and Nick and decides to go out with Cameron.
-Nick has the opposite feeling and seems to want to take Gabi away from Salem!

Saturday, September 28, 2013


This is my attempt at a soap opera themed blog. I will speak about my feelings towards storylines/characters etc. I will concentrate on Days of our Lives, The Young and the Restless and Coronation Street (a UK soap opera). I will also occasionally speak about General Hospital and the Bold and the Beautiful. There will be some Guiding Light stuff too.

I first watched soap operas when I was about 7-8 and my great grandmother babysat us for one summer. I have tried to figure out that summer as I was a kid and don't remember a specific year. I think it's 1993 or 1994. What I remember is Matt Clark beating up a bloody Nick on Young and the Restless and David on the run on Guiding Light. I don't remember what happened on Bold and the Beautiful or As the World Turns. She watched all of the CBS soaps and I watched it with her.

I really got into soaps as a latchkey kid when I got in 7th grade which was the fall of 1998. I got home in time to see Guiding Light. I remember the San Cristobal and Santos stuff. While many found that era not awesome and actually bad I didn't. That's nostalgia for you! When people talk about the "good old days" there is some bias there. I loved it especially Cassie and Richard and Danny and Michelle. When Richard died I had a hard time watching after that. It was the end of an era in my young mind.

I started watching the ABC soaps, especially General Hospital in 2001. I also watched Passions and Days. I never got into the NBC soaps. I was mostly a GH freak at that time. Around 2006 I started loving All My Children and the Young and the Restless again along with GH. I started watching Guiding Light in late 2008 where I got to see one of the best couples that I have ever seen: Otalia. I am a big fan of them especially in regards to the insane chemistry between portrayals Crystal Chappell and Jessica Leccia. They made boring interesting! That is a very difficult thing to do as an actor. I was saddened when the show was cancelled. It was the soap that reminds me of those awkward junior high days. It was the soap that helped me have an escape from the constant bullying at the time. It was upsetting to think that it was over. This was especially true since that show finally remembered that it was a soap opera and acted like one. There were organic storylines that were character centric instead of plot centric. Yes there was that who killed Edmund thing but you can't get perfection.

 I started to actually like Days in 2010 when I started watching because of Crystal Chappell who came back after the cancellation of Guiding Light. I have watched it for the most part since thing. I did miss the fall on 2010 and summer and fall of 2012 but am on now. I love "WilSon" and Eileen Davidson and a few other things.

I also am a Coronation Street fanatic. I have just gotten into this show so my understanding of history is getting there. It's an awesome show that is about as close to a soap opera that I have seen currently airing new episodes. There are organic, character centric storylines (Sometime there is the rare plot centric storyline such as the burning of the Rovers.) with a lot of older actors and fun storylines. I will talk about this show a lot, especially in regards to American soap operas. I also will speak about Sophie and Sian a lesbian couple that existed on the show from 2009-11. Sophie is still on so I'll also talk about her when she's on.

I plan on providing commentary to these soaps. I will discuss breaking news casting or otherwise. I will also have weekly summaries with my opinion put in for Days, Y&R and Corrie. I will let you know that I am behind Corrie. I'm currently in the second week of April and it's almost October. I will also have soap themed top ten lists. Hopefully I will not only update this a lot but get a couple of views too.